Re: [OPE] peanut butter value-form theory

From: Paula <>
Date: Mon Mar 30 2009 - 20:06:05 EDT

> It is unfortunate that so many Marxists have simply one-sidedly rejected
> "subjective
> value theory" in favor of "objective value theory". Value theory, more
> properly
> understood, has both subjective and objective sides.

Yes, value theory has both subjective and objective sides - because abstract
labor has both subjective and objective sides. The subject is the worker;
the object is the commodity he produces, abstracted from its use-value. The
subject is therefore an objective subject and the object is a subjective

We solve the mystery of the contaminated peanut cracker by distinguishing
between abstract labor and value. A cracker (contaminated or not) embodies
abstract labor. Whether this abstract labor appears as value or not depends
on whether the cracker is being exchanged or not. A contaminated cracker
being transported to the dump does not have value, though it still embodies
abstract labor. Similarly, a perfectly good cracker in your kitchen cupboard
does not have value, though it still embodies abstract labor. If you re-sell
it its value reappears.


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Received on Mon Mar 30 20:08:18 2009

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