Re: [OPE] Istanbul Declaration Against the 5th World Water Forum 15-22

From: <>
Date: Wed Apr 08 2009 - 09:43:44 EDT

 Hi Jerry,
I find your indication in the first paragraph very important as in these debates on water sources peple mainly try to enlighten consumers as to how limit water waist. But as I think the main threat to our global water sources comes from the way how it is produced in capitalist society as you point out. And more importantly capitalists want to keep the system (despite its all obvious irrationalities) alive by using most violent means of economic and extra-economic nature. Therefore, I do not understand some debates on the list on Venezuela. People seem to want to get rid of a violent system by using some white gloves.




-----Original Message-----
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <>
Sent: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 15:31
Subject: RE: [OPE] Istanbul Declaration Against the 5th World Water Forum 15-22

An additional issue and area of conflict is over natural gas drilling,
through a process called hydraulic fracturing or hydro-fracturing,
which threatens the water supply and public health in New York State
and across the US and other locations.
Will the current economic crisis put additional pressure on capital
to go ahead with such programs or will it mean that it will be put
on the back-burner? There are some very large corporations, including
Halliburton, which have invested in hydro-fracturing and stand to benefit
by increased drilling.
In solidarity, Jerry_______________________________________________
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Received on Wed Apr 8 09:46:04 2009

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