Re: [OPE] Who wrote the note 50 of chap.3 of Capital vol.1, Engels or Marx

From: <>
Date: Sun Jun 28 2009 - 14:59:18 EDT

I found what is perhaps the explanation. I have a German edition of
Capital vol. 1, by Verlag Ullstein in Hamburg, 1981, where note 50 appears
as note 99, p. 110. It reproduces the original note by Marx in the first
edition of 1867, and adds the following clarification, which I transcribe
in German:

"[Marx hat in seinem Handexemplar der 2. Aufl. nachstehende
handschriftliche Neufassung der Anm. 99 vermerkt:] Die Geldkrise, wie im
Text bestimmt als besondre Phase jeder allgemeinen Produktions- und
Handelskrise, ist wohl zu unterscheiden von der speziellen Sorte der
Krise, die man auch Geldkrise nennt, die aber selbständig auftreten kann,
so dass sie auf Industrie und Handel nur rückschlagend wirkt. Es sind dies
Krisen, deren Bewegungszentrum das Geld-Kapital ist, und daher Bank,
Börse, Finanz ihre unmittelbare Sphäre. [Sie wurde von Engels in die 3.
und 4. Aufl. aufgenommen.]"

It means that Marx left a handwritten new version of this note, in his
personal exemplar of the 2. edition of vol. 1, which Engels has introduced
in the place of the original note and went on being published
subsequently. This is why it mistakenly says, in Fowkes translation, that
it is a 'Note by Engels ...] The two versions are essentially the same,
with only a difference in style.


> I have a copy of the Mega edition of the first edition of Capital vol. 1,
> of 1867, where this note appears as number 81 (p. 94) and therefore seems
> to be from Marx himself {the volume belongs to section II (Zweite
> Abteilung), "Das Kapital" und Vorarbeiten, vol. 5 (Band 5)}, 1983.
> The same note appears in the Mega edition of the French translation of
> Capital vol. I of 1872-1875 (note 97, p. 110). This volume belongs to the
> same section of Mega, vol. 7, title "Le Capital Paris 1872-1875"
> comradely,
> Claus.
>> Dear friends (especially Michael Heinrich and onther specialists of
>> MEGA);
>> The note 50 of chap.3 of Capital vol.1, states that there is 'the
>> special
>> sort
>> of crisis, $B!&!&!&(J, which may appear independently of the rest,
>> and
>> only affec
>> ts industry and commerce by its backwash. The pivot of these crises is
>> to
>> be f
>> ound in money capital, and their immediate sphere of impact is therefore
>> banki
>> ng, the stock exchange and finance.'
>> I am interested in this, since we difined it as the second type of
>> monetary cr
>> isis in the section 6.1.2 and its note 1 in our book, Political Economy
>> of
>> Mon
>> ey and Finace (1999, Macmillan). It seems relevant at least to some
>> extent
>> as
>> a characterization of the Subprime financial global crisis.
>> May I ask any of your help to indintify (desirably with some evidence)
>> who
>> wro
>> te this impressive note in the third edition of Capital vol.1, Engels or
>> Marx?
>> The current popular English Penguin version (transl. by B. Fowkes)
>> somehow sa
>> ys it by Engels, whreas the German ordinary version in Marx and Engels
>> Werke 2
>> 3 does not, and means it is by Marx. Why is there such difference
>> between
>> Engl
>> ish and German version?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Makoto Itoh
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