Re: [OPE] "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore, " he said.

Date: Tue Sep 14 2010 - 09:20:54 EDT

> Here is one source:
> The question is whether the Cuban economy will turn towards Yugoslavian
> model?

Hi Dave:
Thanks. It's unclear how many workers are going to be affected - the
AP story lists the amount of workers to be laid-off at one-half the
figure in the BBC story.
A variation on the Yugoslav model is one possibility, but it is
hardly "the" question. There are LOTS of questions now!!!
Despite the fact that the Yugoslav model of workers' control of
enterprises could be seen as a more democratic model which did not
suffer from the degree of over-centralization common in most other
socialist nations, there were significant downsides to that experience
including non-cyclical trends for the rate of unemployment, the rate of
inflation, and economic concentration to increase.
In solidarity, Jerry
ope mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 14 09:22:53 2010

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