Re: [OPE] Two queries, from a friend

From: Michael Heinrich <>
Date: Thu Jan 27 2011 - 19:16:26 EST

>> In the past I checked, if there are any traces of Bagehot's book
>> (Lombard Street. A Description of the Money market) in the works of
>> Marx. In the original manuscripts of "Capital" published in the second
>> section of MEGA the book is not mentioned. There is also an incomplete
>> list of books, possessed by Marx (see MEGA IV/32) but this list doesn't
>> include Bagehot's book. Still many excerpts are unpublished and there
>> is a possibility that he mentioned the book there. But I suppose he
>> didn't, because (as far as I know) Marx didn't mention Bagehot's book
>> in his letters. Probably Marx didn't know the book.
> Hi Michael H:
> I just did a quick search at the MIA
> and there is no mention there of Bagehot in Marx ... or Engels.
> Does MEGA have a computer search function?
There is a search function only for the (view) volumes in Internet ( ). But I checked the name registers of the
second section and there I didn't find Bagehot.

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Received on Thu Jan 27 19:19:27 2011

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