Re: [OPE] Challenging the Left on Libya

Date: Tue Mar 22 2011 - 22:03:08 EDT

Over on Facebook someone I know provided some links to sources
concerning the question of whether or not the 'rebels' in the East
are actually linked to Islamic militancy and Al Qaeda. Frankly,
I thought that Gadaffi's statements about this were rather bizarre
and far-fetched, but now I'm not so sure....

Here are the sources he cites:

1. a 2008 document leaked by Wikileaks from the US Embassy in Tripoli
re "Extremism in Eastern Libya":

2. Article: "Eastern Libya's Tribes, Jihadism: Did U.S. Consider Its Own
Libya Intel":

3. The embassy's report seems to be confirmed by captured Al Qaeda
documents - called the Sinjar Records *attached*.

4. This was analyzed in an article "Libyan rebellion has radical
Islamic fervor: Benghazi link to Islamic militancy: U.S. Military
Document Reveals":

I'm not so sure what to think of this but I'm not inclined to simply
dismiss it.

In solidarity, Jerry

ope mailing list

Received on Tue Mar 22 22:06:30 2011

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