[OPE-L:1045] Re: Definitions and Tautologies

akliman@acl.nyit.edu (akliman@acl.nyit.edu)
Mon, 12 Feb 1996 14:00:55 -0800

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I do not have a "theory of value." I don't think Marx had one either. I
do have an interpretation of Marx's value theory.

I hate to be nitpicky, but I want it to be clear that I'm not putting
forth a theory, just an interpretation of Marx.

Paul C asked for references to works developing the single-system and
temporal interpretations.

I'd suggest beginning with the new volume, _Marx and Nonequilibrium
Economics_, edited by Alan Freeman and Guglielmo Carchedi (i.e., Mino).
1996, Edward Elgar. The various works there will refer you to other
works on the particular questions that interest you. E.g., if oyu
are looking for evidence of nonseparation of values and prices in Marx's
work, there is no one paper developing this per se, but a number of
different people have between them dug up a lot of evidence.

I find it hard to say that here are the four papers you should read. Mostly
the reason is that we have tended to deal with specific issues
(transformation of values into production prices, FRP, etc.), rather than
sit down and systematize an interpretation. This is mostly for historical
reasons--refuting the various "proofs" of Marx's "internal inconsistencies"
came first for most of us. The other reason I hesitate is that there is no
one single interpretation. Not only are there "nondualists" who reject
temporal valuation, like Fred, but there's not homogeneity among those who
share the TSS interpretation, broadly conceived (just like there's a
difference between Bortkiewicz and Morishima, Steedman and Shaikh).

The book to which I referred contains articles by single-system proponents
who still hold to simultaneous valuation (Ramos, Rodriguez), and one
by by Alfredo Saad-Filho from a rather different perspective.

Ted McGlone and I have tried recently to lay out the quantitive aspect of
our interpretation as a whole. The article will be published in ROPE, but
I can send it to you if you give me an address. Alan Freeman's concluding
chapter in the above book also tries to lay out the whole of the TSS
interpretation from his perspective.

If I can be of any more help, please let me know. I'll be glad to direct you
to specific arguments, demonstrations, etc.

Andrew Kliman