[OPE-L:2338] Re: Priors and Givens

Michael Perelman (michael@ecst.csuchico.edu)
Thu, 23 May 1996 08:25:27 -0700

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> >Regarding Eagly's period of production, I once did a piece about Sraffa --
> >it also relates to Marx -- showing what happens if you change the social
> >division of labor. Marx had an example where the unbrella handle makers
> >vertically integrate. In Sraffa's world the production matrix loses a
> >dimension and the rate of profit would increase.
> >
> This is an artifact of the fixed period of production used in the model..
> Paul Cockshott

Exactly my point.
> wpc@cs.strath.ac.uk
> http://www.cs.strath.ac.uk/CS/Biog/wpc/index.html

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 916-898-5321 E-Mail michael@ecst.csuchico.edu