[OPE-L:3143] Re: Marxian Empirical Research

Iwao Kitamura (ikita@st.rim.or.jp)
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 07:44:15 -0700 (PDT)

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Andrew T,
very sorry for my faulty expression. I begged your opinion on
the following two schemes to understand value added by skilled labour.

(1) hourly value added by skilled labour
=hourly value added by simple labour + education cost/lifetime (working) hours

(2) hourly value added by skilled labour is determined independently from
hourly value added by simple labour + education cost/lifetime (working) hours

If you would take (1), then you would assume that education is a process of
value transfer. If you would take (2), then education would be a process of 'production'
of value creating power.

I'm sympathetic to (2).

Andrew TF
>I will try to dig out the earlier discussion on this. If you can
>remember which email numbers then this would be helpful.

The discussion on skilled labour was raised in november last year by Steve K.
You will reach those posts at web version of archives:


>Will put my paper in post by snail mail.
I'm looking foward to it. Thanks.

in solidarity,
