OK with me too
>>Does anyone mind if I let a beginning PhD student of mine, who wants to work
>>on the rate of profit, study the IVA, TSS, Value Added debates that are
>>currently underway?
>>Simon Mohun,
>>Dept of Economics,
>>Queen Mary and Westfield College,
>>Mile End Road,
>>London E1 4NS,
>>Telephone: 0171-975-5089
>>Fax: 0181-983-3580
>Duncan K. Foley
>Department of Economics
>Barnard College
>New York, NY 10027
>fax: (212)-854-8947
>e-mail: dkf2@columbia.edu
Bruce B. Roberts
Department of Economics
University of Southern Maine
Portland ME 04104-9300
(O) 207-780-5503
(H) 207-772-7047
fax 207-780-5507-------------------------------------------------