[OPE-L:3707] Re: Re [3606], [3678]; Two "causes" of deviation?

Chai-on Lee (conlee@chonnam.chonnam.ac.kr)
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 00:59:20 -0800 (PST)

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Hi, Comrades!

I am very pleased to read Ramos's post (ope-l: 3705) which is entirely in
agreement with my own position. In this controversial issue of the
transformation problem, I find out a real agreement.

But, to buttress his argument, I should add more points.

(1) Value and price of production have the same substance. Otherwise, the
so-called trans-FORMation would be an absurd word in terms. The same
substance must change its own form from VALUE into PRICE.

(2) Once commodities are used as production materials, they are no more
commodities but simply an input VALUE of a capital. The so-called deviation
of the two entities in the cost price disappears once they cease to be
commodities because only commodities can have the price of production.

(3) In regards to the amount of dead labor (value account of a part of the
cost-price), we have to synchronize the labor account with that of
living-labor. Dead labor amounts need to be converted into current ones. But
how? Only be reference to the current market value of the production
materials, they can be converted into current ones. The input VALUE of a
capital is to be computed by reference to the current market value of
production materials (not by actually purchased price of them, for
accidental circumstances might cause the purchased price to deviate from its
prevailing (or dominant or average) prices).

Thank you, Ramos, for your post.

Faculty of Economics,
Chonnam National University,
Kwang-Ju, 500-757,
S Korea
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E-m: conlee@chonnam.chonnam.ac.kr