[OPE-L:3858] Re: Is a repaired machine dearer than normal one?

Chai-on Le (conlee@chonnam.chonnam.ac.kr)
Wed, 18 Dec 1996 22:05:58 -0800 (PST)

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I wrote in [3857]

>If the repairing labor were productive, it would have to produce surplus
>value in the same proportion as other living labors. But, because it is
>unproductive, I said, it creates surplus value only upto the difference
>between normal repairing cost and the actual repairing cost. It "creates"
>only in the sense that was a part of the variable capital.

But I have to add one more point. If the repair is empolyed as a part-time
laborer, its wage is to be classed as a (fluid) constant capital, only if
the repair is not beyond the normal, average repair. But if the repair is
above the average, it should be a deduction from the surplus-value. On the
other hand, if he is employed as a full-time laborer, his wage should be
counted in the normal, regular production cost as a part of the variable
capital. He can then prevent the deduction from the surplus-value in case
that repairs occur above the average, normal cost, and, in addition, he can
save the capitalist's money (creating surplus-value) when the repair is done
below the average.

