[OPE-L:4235] Re: query

Paul Zarembk (zarembka@acsu.buffalo.edu)
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 21:47:40 -0800 (PST)

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I know Elmar pretty well and I doubt he has any interest in this paper any
more--not that that should matter so very much, I suppose. As a graduate
student, Elmar took on Carl Christian von Weizsaecker in Heidelberg. But
that was when students fought their professors!

Anyway, if you need Elmar's e-mail address I have it.


Paul Zarembka, supporting the RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY Web site at
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PZarembka, and using OS/2 Warp.

On Sun, 16 Feb 1997, Gerald Levy wrote:

> Ryu asked in [OPE-L:4233]:
> > Recently I received a copy of Elmar Wolfstetter's paper from one of my
> > friend. This paper treats the relation between time-structure of
> > production & labor theory of value. I'm much interested in it, but I &
> > my friend don't know where it is from. Can anyone on this list tell me
> > where this paper was published? The title of it is :
> > "Value, Natural Price, Duality and Time : A Reexamination of Some
> > Propositions in Marxian Economics".
> A discussion paper by Wolfstetter with the title "Values, Prices, Duality,
> and Time: A Reexamination of Some Propositions in Marxian Economics" was
> presented at the 1980 "Value of Value Theory" conference in Bielefeld,
> Germany. It was also published by the Freie Universitat Berlin,
> Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft as "Discussion Papers on Political
> Economy, Number 3" (March, 1980). Length - 17 pages. Perhaps it was
> re-published later in modified form elsewhere.
> In solidarity, Jerry