Philippe Van Parijs, Professor of Economics and Social Ethics at the
Universite' Catholique de Louvain in Belgium, has joined our list.
Philippe's writings should be well-known to most of our members. Some of
his books include:
o _Evolutionary Explanation in the Social Sciences_(1981);
o _Le Modele Economique et ses Rivaux_ (1990);
o __Qu'est ce qu'une Societe' Juste?_ (1991);
o ed. _Arguing for Basic Income_ (Verso, 1992);
o _Marxism recycled_ (Cambridge University Press, 1993);
o _Real Freedom for all: What (if anything) can justify capitalism?_
(Oxford University Press, 1995).
Philippe will be accessing our WWW archives rather than receiving posts in
the normal way.
The archives (a reminder) are located at:
@@@ @@@
@@@ user id : opel @@@
@@@ password: marx @@@
I look forward to your participation!
Philippe: welcome aboard!
In solidarity, Jerry