Andrew K wrote in [OPE-L:5186]:
> I will always remember him as the person whose "solution" to the
> "transformation problem" turned out to be an exact replica of Marx's own
> procedure! So much for Marx's internal inconsistency!
My first inclination was not to reply to this post, but -- on second
thought -- I feel a question aimed at clarification is necessary (as I
find the above to be quite puzzling).
*If* Bronfrenbrenner's "solution" to the transformation "turned out to be
an exact replica of Marx's own procedure" which disproved allegations
re "Marx's internal inconsistency" ... *and*,
since you claim elsewhere (and repatedly) that TSS is the only solution
which establishes the above ... *then*,
doesn't it follow that you are claiming that Bronfrenbrenner's solution
was a a pre-TSS version of TSS [??? !!!]
In solidarity, Jerry