[OPE-L:55] [OPE-L:286] re archive matters

michael a. lebowitz (mlebowit@sfu.ca)
Wed, 04 Nov 1998 11:14:54 -0800

I was sent the enclosed and thought, in light of our long discussions on
opening the archives, it might be of general interest. The issue posed
about consent seems consistent with concerns expressed here; I think that
Duncan's proposal, which I support, is in this spirit.

in solidarity,

>Sweden Outlaws Discussion Archives?
>In my "Democracy is Online" article
><http://www.e-democracy.org/do/article.html> I concluded with:
> Perhaps the most democratizing aspect of the Internet is the
> ability for people to organize and communicate in groups.
> It is within the context of electronic free assembly and
> association that citizens will gain new opportunities for
> participation and a voice in politics, governance, and
> society."
>Today I was attempting to access an e-mail list archive for the
>OldNorseNet <http://www.hum.gu.se/arkiv/> and ran into this:
> Our discussion lists archive
> 1998-10-24.
> Due to a new swedish law (harmonizing to the EU directives)
> we are no longer allowed to publish archives of our
> discussion lists. This will be a severe obstacle for the
> democracy and the free debate.
> Back to Faculty of Arts homepage
>While I need to gather more information, the fact that open, public
>discussions among people online are illegal to archive, perhaps even
>to have is quite startling. Restrictions on electronic assembly and
>association, including the ability of forum hosts to offer the value
>of resulting discussions in an archive, is an even more severe
>restraint than free speech restrictions on far right expression we
>see in many European countries.
>Below are a number of URLs and some text that I ran into. "Jag talar
>inte Svenska" and I couldn't find a Babelfish for Swedish to English
>on the net, so if our Swedish subscribers could update us on this
>story that would be much appreciated.
>Steven Clift
>Democracies Online
>P.S. I'll likely be in Stockholm for a few days between Jan 11 - 15.
>I'd like to meet with those involved on both sides of this issue to
>learn more.
>>From <http://www.bitos.org/kampanj/veta_mer.html> I found
>amazing stuff from: http://www.pul.nu/
>Directly from: http://www.pul.nu/sid2eng.html
>Swedish law limits freedom of speech on the internet The 24th of
>October Sweden got a new law on personal data, "PUL", which is based on
>EU legislation. The law makes it illegal to give names public on the
>net, without the mentioned persons "unmistakable consent". The new
>legislation threatens freedom of speech.
>The law makes it illegal to critique people on trade union or other
>organisations home- and chatpages. The punishment: Up to two years in
>The law makes an exception for "journalistic purposes", but not for
>information purposes. Similar legislation is alreday, or will be,
>adopted in other EU-countries. The legislation is based on the EU data
>This site analyses the law and it's consequences for freedom of speech
>on the net. But also how it will effect swedish trade unions and
>organisations with homepages on the net.
>It also gives an example on how Swedish communities already are
>affected by the recent legislation. The Community Gällivare in the
>arctic part of Sweden has had a long fight with the Swedish Data
>inspection on the right to publish protocols from municipal board
>meetings on the net. The problem: The protocols contain names of
>The Gällivare case and the fight about names on the internet
>European Commission Legal Advisory Board: Regulation of internet
>European Union about illegal and harmful content on the Internet
>Illustration: Martin Odell c
>"Time to bring back anonymity"
>The Quote "Time to bring back anonymity" comes from Ms Anitha
>Bondestam, general director of the Swedish data inspection. In a
>English brochure from 1995 she argues for more anonymity - and
>welcomes the EU data directive on which the new Swedish legislation is
> ______________________
>About the illustrator
>Martin Odell is a Swedish illustrator who works for Magazines such
>as "Journalisten", given out by the Swedish union of Journalists and
>Statstjänstemannen, given out by the union of public employees
>About the site
>This page is a part of the site "Personuppgiftslagen och
>yttrandefriheten", produced in June 1998 by Christoph Andersson and
>Susanne Bertman as a final project for the course "Global electronic
>journalism", given at JMK, Stockholm university
>http://www.jmk.su.se/global/ global98/private/christop/
>A updated version of this site, swedish version only, can be found on
>these two addresses: http://www.pul.nu http://www.fgj.se
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Steven Clift - E: clift@publicus.net - ICQ: 13789183
> 3454 Fremont Ave S, Mpls, MN 55408 T:+1.612.822.8667
> Web White & Blue, Project Coordinator - Consulting
> http://www.webwhiteblue.org - http://www.publicus.net
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Michael A. Lebowitz
Economics Department
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