[OPE-L:6902] [OPE-L:392] Deutscher Prize

Gerald Levy (glevy@pratt.edu)
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 13:45:16 -0500 (EST)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 17:45:55 GMT0BST
From: elizabeth.dore@port.ac.uk
To: glevy@pratt.edu

Dear Gerald
As you know I am on the Deutscher Prize committee. Each year we draw
up a short list of the best books in Marxist Studies- understood
broadly. I would appreciate it if you would put it out on your
network that I would be pleased to receive nominations of books- with
the complete citation- and if possible address/phone/ e-mail etc of
publisher- so we can request copies of the book for the jury to
consider. We are now reviewing books published in 1997-98-99.
Elizabeth Dore
Dr. Elizabeth Dore
School of Languages & Area Studies
University of Portsmouth
Portsmouth PO1 2DZ

Tel: 44-1705-846097
Secretary: 44-1705- 846060
Fax: 44-1705-846040