[OPE-L:1531] Re: Re: Lapides and Marx's wage theory

Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:49:21

Jerry, the issue is not off the table because I continued the sentence you
cut off with an additional reaction to those who say that Capital
"de-emphasizes" class struggle:

"My essential point was that Capital as theory has revolutionary
implications for the exploited class (more so than, say, the Communist
Manifesto) and thus to disagree that Capital "de-emphasizes" class
struggle (cf. ope-l 1515 and ope-l 1518; i.e., the position of Mike L.
and, I believe, yourself)."

At least twice I have commented that you share with Mike a perspective
that Capital does "de-emphasize" class struggle. I don't mind that you
cut off quotes--I do it also--but don't understand why you cut off this
particular issue.

Regarding "completeness", I don't have a major problem with how you
describe my position, but am a little uncomfortable with making a big
thing about a word "completeness" or a phrase "missing book". That is, I
am more interested in getting on with the theoretical issues themselves.

I'll deal with your other comments on another occasion.


Paul Zarembka, supporting RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY web site
******************** http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PZarembka

On 10/22/99 at 06:34 AM, Gerald Levy <glevy@PRATT.EDU> said:
>Re Paul Z's [OPE-L:1528]:

>> My
>> essential point was that Capital as theory has revolutionary implications
>> for the exploited class (more so than, say, the Communist Manifesto)

>Of course, I agree. So, now that we've taken that issue off of the table,
>let's consider what I view as the more essential question: the place of
>_Capital_ within the whole of Marx's theory of capitalism and whether
>that theory is "complete." Based on your prior messages, I take it that
>you are not agreeing with the proposition that _Capital_ is "complete"
>but are unconvinced by the arguments and evidence about a "missing book"
>on "Wage-Labour". Is that a fair summary of your position?

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