[OPE-L:1735] Re: Re: Re: value-form theories

Subject: [OPE-L:1735] Re: Re: Re: value-form theories
From: Antonio Callari (a_Callari@ACAD.FANDM.EDU)
Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 10:36:38 EST

Fred (or anyone): what do you mean by the statement below?

>it seems to me that R&W's main criticism
>of Marx's concept of abstract labor as the substance of value is the old
>"reduction problem", which I don't think is much of a problem.

To what are you referring as the "old reduction problem"?



Antonio Callari
POST MAIL: Department of Economics
                Franklin and Marshall College
                Lancaster PA 17604-3003
PHONE: 717/291-3947
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