John T. Dalton
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Wake Forest University
International Trade
Economics 351
Summer 2024

General Information

Lecture:  Wed, 10:50 am – 12:30 pm
Office Hours:  Wednesday 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Syllabus (pdf)

Practice Problems

Ricardian Model Practice Problem (pdf) and Key (pdf)
Neoclassical and Heckscher-Ohlin Model Practice Problems (pdf) and Key (pdf)
Tariffs Practice Problems (pdf) and Key (pdf)

Other Materials

Lecture1 Trade Data (pdf)

Group Lecture Examples (pdf) (pdf) (pdf) (pdf) (pdf) (pdf)

World Trade Organization (link)
UN Comtrade (link)
BEA’s International Economic Accounts (link)
Foreign Trade at the US Census Bureau (link)
OECD.Stats Extracts (link)
World DataBank (link)