Biking through the rice fields in Asuka
Tomb (kofun) of Emperor Kimmei (trad. dates, 539-571)
Monkey stones (Saru-ishi). Origin or purpose unknown.
Ishibutai-kofun burial chamber. Traditionally believed to have housed the remains of Soga no Umako
Turtle stone (kame-ishi). Origin and purpose onknown.
Asuka-dera. Dates from 596 and considered the oldest temple in Japan.
Asuka Daibutsu. This was the main object of worship (honzon) in the Asukadera's original main hall. It was cast in 609 (the 17th year of Empress Suiko's reign) by the master of Buddhist sculpture (busshi) Kuratsukuri-no-Tori, son of a Korean immigrant. It is the oldest extant Buddhist Image in Japan whose date of construction is definitely known.
Asuka-Daibutsu. Major repairs quite visible.
Image of Shotoku-taishi in Asukadera