Gramática para la composición

  • This book does a magnificent job of covering everything that is typically presented in a Spanish composition course. In the thirty years that I have taught, I have never encountered anything that could hold a candle to Gramática para la composición; this work will surely become the standard-bearer of the profession."
    Richard V. Teschner, Professor of Languages and Linguistics, The University of Texas at El Paso.


  • With its clear explanations and wide variety of exercises, this textbook provides ample opportunity for students to acquire both the linguistic knowledge and the organizational skills needed for producing well-written compositions in Spanish."
    Michael Reider, Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics, West Virginia University.

Gramática para la composición

M. Stanley Whitley, Professor of Spanish and Linguistics (Wake Forest University).
Luis González, Assistant Profesor of Spanish (Wake Forest University).

Integrating grammar and composition, this comprehensive new textbook guides the advanced student through progressively more complex types of writing by organizing the grammar lessons on a functionalist basis around the needs of composition. This approach promotes systematic language development as part of the preparation for each task.

The book focuses on work in six level-appropriate types of composition: description, synopsis, personal narrative, creative narrative, exposition, and argumentation. Refined by eight years of classroom testing and error analysis of the problems students encounter, this book incorporates current research in composition, second language acquisition, and linguistics.

Click below for purchasing information or to ask for an examination copy:

Gramática para la composición
(Purchasing information, examination copies).

Georgetown University Press


Lesson 20