AFM imaging of DNA, DNA-drug complexes, DNA-protein complexes, nanotubes and other nanomaterials

AFM image of Lambda DNA (~ 16 micrometers long)
We are AFM imaging DNA, various protein-DNA, drug-DNA complexes and other nanomaterials to determine their structural properties. This work is done in collaboration with the Wake Forest University Chemistry and Cancer Biology departments.
AFM imaging specific publications:
- Ghosh, S., Dutta, S., Gomes, E., Carroll, D., D’Agostino, Jr., R., Olson, J. Guthold, M., Gmeiner, W. H. “Increased Heating Efficiency and Selective Thermal Ablation of Malignant Tissue with DNA-Encased Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”, ACS Nano (2009) 3, 2667-73.
- Wong, O.-K., Guthold, M., Erie, D. A., Gelles, J. (2008) “Interconvertable lactose repressor-DNA looped complexes revealed by single-molecule experiments” PLOS Biology 6(9):e232, 2028-2042.
- Liu, W., Bonin, K. Guthold, M. (2007) “An easy and direct method for calibrating AFM lateral force measurements” Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 063707 (7 pages)
- Guthold, M., Liu, W., Stephens, B. J., Lord, S. T., Hantgan, R. R., Erie, D. A., Taylor, R. M., Superfine, R. (2004) “Visualization and Mechanical Manipulations of Individual Fibrin Fibers Suggest that Fiber Cross-Section has Fractal Dimension 1.3” Biophys. J. 87, 4226-36
- Rivetti, C. & Guthold, M. (2003) “Single DNA molecule analysis of transcription complexes” Method. Enzymol. 371, 34-50
- Dwyer, C., Guthold, M., Falvo, M., Washburn, S., Superfine, R., Erie, D. (2002) DNA-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes. Nanotechnology 13, 601-604
- Guthold, M., Zhu, X., Rivetti, C., Yang, G., Thomson, N. H., Kasas, S., Hansma, H. G., Smith, B., Hansma, P. K. & Bustamante, C. (1999). Direct observation of one-dimensional diffusion and transcription by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. Biophys. J. 77, 2284-2294
- Bustamante, C., Guthold, M., Zhu, X. & Yang, G. (1999). Facilitated target location on DNA by individual Escherichia coli RNA polymerase molecules observed with the scanning force microscope operating in liquid. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 16665-16668.
- Rivetti, C., Guthold, M. & Bustamante, C. (1999). Wrapping of DNA around the E. coli RNA polymerase open promoter complex. EMBO J. 18, 4464-4475.
- Rippe, K., Guthold, M., von Hippel, P. H. & Bustamante, C. (1997). Transcriptional activation via DNA-looping: Visualization of intermediates in the activation pathway of E.coli RNA polymerase-s54 holoenzyme by scanning force microscopy. J. Mol. Biol. 270, 125-138.
- Kasas, S., Thomson, N. H., Smith, B. L., Hansma, H. G., Zhu, X., Guthold, M., Bustamante, C., Kool, E. T., Kashlev, M. & Hansma, P. K. (1997). Escherichia coli RNA polymerase activity observed using Atomic Force Microscopy. Biochemistry 36(3), 461-468.
- Rivetti, C., Guthold, M. & Bustamante, C. (1996). Scanning Force Microscopy of DNA deposited on mica: Equilibration versus kinetic trapping studied by polymer chain analysis. J. Mol. Biol. 264, 919-932.
- Guthold, M., Bezanilla, M., Erie, D. A., Jenkins, B., Hansma, H. G. & Bustamante, C. (1994). Following the assembly of RNA polymerase-DNA complexes in aqueous solutions with the scanning force microscope. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 12927-12931.
- Vesenka, J., Guthold, M., Tang, C. L., Keller, D., Delaine, E. & Bustamante, C. (1992). Substrate preparation for reliable imaging of DNA molecules with the scanning force microscope. Ultramicroscopy 42-44, 1243-49.