Niels Henrik Abel


Abel was a Norwegian mathematician who died of tuberculosis at the age of 26. Always a victim of poverty, he received his university schooling largely through the generosity of friends and professors who recognized his genius. He never received an official position in Norway other than a fellowship to spend a year at the mathematical centers of Europe. While in Berlin he met August Leopold Crelle who was just starting his journal Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (often known as Crelle's Journal), which was one of the earliest mathematics journals. Crelle quickly recognized Abel's abilities and became his friend and supporter. The first volume of Crelle's Journal contained seven papers by Abel and the first three volumes contained twenty-two. Abel also went to Paris and submitted what he considered to be his greatest paper, "Memoire sur une Propriete Generale d'une Classe Tres Etendue des Fonctions Transcendantes" to the Academy of Sciences; unfortunately, the referee, Cauchy, lost the paper delaying its publication for fifteen years (Cauchy also lost a paper of Galois). In addition to his work in analysis Abel showed the impossibility of solution of the general quintic polynomial by radicals. Although his life was short, Abel's contributions are memorialized in mathematics with many named theorems and concepts: Abelian groups, Abel integrals and functions, Abel's series, and Abel's summation formula to name a few. Norway has remembered Abel not only on stamps, but also with an official statue in Oslo; for some reason the sculptor chose to portray Abel in the nude (draped); it appears on the stamp below.


Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)

Norway (1983), No. 824


Norway had issued the following set of four stamps almost 60 years earlier on the one-hundredth anniversary of Abel's death.


Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)

Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)

Norway (1929), No. 145

Norway (1929), No. 146



Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)

Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)

Norway (1929), No. 147

Norway (1929), No. 148