Comparison of streaming video alternatives

Rick Matthews, Department of Physics, Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University offers several options for streaming video, including lecture videos:

Note that VoiceThread offers more that just video streaming, including the ability of viewers to leave audio comments. Sakai is a file repository, not really a streaming server. "Streaming" means that the video can viewed without the need to download the video file to a local drive.

Show and Share Google Drive YouTube Sakai Voicethread
True streaming vs. requiring download Yes Yes Yes No Yes.
File size limit for each video uploaded 2Gb 5 Tb 128Gb 0.100Gb 0.025Gb
Maximum length of play Depends on resolution, typically 1 – 2 hrs at 1080p Many days 11 hours (now auto play playlist) Depends on compression. 1 hr? ?
Maximum resolution 1920x1080 1920x1080 3840×2160 (3D, 60fps. multi angles coming) Limited only by file size. 600x450
Automatic creation of class groups Yes No No Yes No
Built-in recording and editing Yes No Limited No Yes
Can easily restrict to accounts Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Can control access via Google Drive folder sharing No Yes No No No
Copyright fields within the system No No Yes, but only YouTube and CC-Attribution Yes No
Available to all on campus, including students? Yes, but students must go through faculty publisher Yes Yes. Only faculty can create Sakai sites Yes.
Comments by viewers Yes, text. No. Yes, text. No. Audio, video, text
Can the video be downloaded to a local drive? Coming soon Yes, with  With the right browser add-in Yes. Videos can only be downloaded For a fee (limited number free)
Automatic word recognition and search Yes No Automatic captions, no search No No
Speed of encoding Slowest Acceptable -- minutes to hours Fastest N/A ?
Encoded format 360p, 480p, 1080p 360p, 720p, 1080p Auto convert to 8 sizes/formats from cellphone 144p 2160p 4K UHD N/A 600x450
Built-in recording and editing No No Autoflags copyright infringements, 3 strikes to account termination No No
Embedded videos pass the Google mobile-friendly test No Yes Yes Not applicable: no streaming, no embeds Yes


Comments or corrections for this comparison? Please email Rick Matthews,