PHY 711 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods

MWF 10 AM-10:50 AM OPL 103

Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth Office:300 OPL

Course schedule

(Preliminary schedule -- subject to frequent adjustment.)
DateF&W ReadingTopic AssignmentDue
1 Mon, 8/22/2022 Introduction #18/26/2022
2 Wed, 8/24/2022Chap. 1 Scattering theory
3 Fri, 8/26/2022Chap. 1 Scattering theory #28/29/2022
4 Mon, 8/29/2022Chap. 1 Scattering theory #38/31/2022
5 Wed, 8/31/2022Chap. 1 Summary of scattering theory #49/02/2022
6 Fri, 9/02/2022Chap. 2 Non-inertial coordinate systems #59/05/2022
7 Mon, 9/05/2022Chap. 3 Calculus of Variation #69/7/2022
8 Wed, 9/07/2022Chap. 3 Calculus of Variation #79/9/2022
9 Fri, 9/09/2022Chap. 3 & 6 Lagrangian Mechanics
10 Mon, 9/12/2022Chap. 3 & 6 Lagrangian Mechanics #89/14/2022
11 Wed, 9/14/2022Chap. 3 & 6 Constants of the motion #99/16/2022
12 Fri, 9/16/2022Chap. 3 & 6 Hamiltonian equations of motion
13 Mon, 9/19/2022Chap. 3 & 6 Liouville theorm #109/21/2022
14 Wed, 9/21/2022Chap. 3 & 6 Canonical transformations #119/23/2022
15 Fri, 9/23/2022Chap. 4 Small oscillations about equilibrium #129/26/2022
16 Mon, 9/26/2022Chap. 4 Normal modes of vibration #139/28/2022
17 Wed, 9/28/2022Chap. 4 Normal modes of more complicated systems #1410/03/2022
18 Fri, 9/30/2022Chap. 7 Motion of strings
19 Mon, 10/03/2022Chap. 7 Sturm-Liouville equations #1510/05/2022
20 Wed, 10/05/2022Chap. 7 Sturm-Liouville equations
21 Fri, 10/07/2022Chap. 1-4,6-7 Review
Mon, 10/10/2022No class Take home exam
Wed, 10/12/2022No class Take home exam
Fri, 10/14/2022No class Fall break
22 Mon, 10/17/2022Chap. 7 Green's function methods #1610/19/2022
23 Wed, 10/19/2022Chap. 7 Fourier and other transform methods #1710/21/2022
24 Fri, 10/21/2022Chap. 7 Complex variables and contour integration #1810/24/2022
25 Mon, 10/24/2022Chap. 5 Rigid body motion #1910/26/2022
26 Wed, 10/26/2022Chap. 5 Rigid body motion #2010/28/2022
27 Fri, 10/28/2022Chap. 8 Elastic two-dimensional membranes
28 Mon, 10/31/2022Chap. 9 Mechanics of 3 dimensional fluids #2111/02/2022
29 Wed, 11/02/2022Chap. 9 Mechanics of 3 dimensional fluids #2211/04/2022
30 Fri, 11/04/2022Chap. 9 Linearized hydrodynamics equations #2311/07/2022
31 Mon, 11/07/2022Chap. 9 Linear sound waves #2411/09/2022
32 Wed, 11/09/2022Chap. 9 Scattering of sound and non-linear effects #2511/11/2022
33 Fri, 11/11/2022Chap. 10 Surface waves in fluids #2611/16/2022
34 Mon, 11/14/2022Chap. 10 Surface waves in fluids; soliton solutions
35 Wed, 11/16/2022Chap. 11 Heat conduction
36 Fri, 11/18/2022Chap. 12 Viscous effects on hydrodynamics
37 Mon, 11/21/2022Chap 1-12 Review
Wed, 11/23/2022 Thanksgiving Holiday
Fri, 11/25/2022 Thanksgiving Holiday
Mon, 11/28/2022 Presentations I
Wed, 11/30/2022 Presentations II
Fri, 12/02/2022 Presentations III

PHY 711 -- Assignment #3

Aug. 29, 2022

Continue reading Chapter 1 in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #5

Sept. 2, 2022

Read Chapter 2 in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #6

Sept. 5, 2022

Start reading Chapter 3, especially Section 17, in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 - Assignment #9
Sept. 14, 2022
Continue reading Chapters 3 and 6 in Fetter and Walecka.
  1. The figure above shows a box of mass m sliding on the frictionless surface of an inclined plane (angle θ). The inclined plane itself has a mass M and is supported on a horizontal frictionless surface. Write down the Lagrangian for this system in terms of the generalized coordinates X and s and the fixed constants of the system (θ, m, M, etc.) and solve for the equations of motion, assuming that the system is initially at rest. (Note that X and s represent components of vectors whose directions are related by the angle θ.)

PHY 711 -- Assignment #11

Sept. 21, 2022

Finish reading Chapters 3 and 6 in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #13

Sept. 26, 2022

Continue reading Chapter 4. in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #14

Sept. 28, 2022

Finish reading Chapter 4 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider the system of 3 masses (m1=m2=m3=m) shown attached by elastic forces in the right triangular configuration (with angles 45, 90, 45 deg) shown above with spring constants k and k'. Find the normal modes of small oscillations for this system. For numerical evaluation, you may assume that k=k'.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #16

Oct. 17, 2022

Continue reading Chapter 7 in Fetter & Walecka.

    Consider the example presented in the last two slides of Lecture 22, where a one-dimensional Poisson equation was solved using a Green's function constructed from the corresponding homogeneous solutions. Verify the results on this slide and check that the resultant potential Φ(x) satisfies the particular Poisson equation for x ≤ -a, -a ≤ x ≤ a, and for x ≥ a.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #17

Oct. 19, 2022

Continue reading Chapter 7 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider the function f(x) = x2 (1-x) in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Find the coefficients An of the Fourier series based on the terms sin( n π x). Extra credit: Plot f(x) and the Fourier series including 3 terms.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #19

Oct. 24, 2022

Start reading Chapter 5 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. The figure above shows a rigid 3 atom molecule placed in the x-y plane as shown. Assume that the rigid bonds are massless.
    1. Find the moment of inertia tensor in the given coordinate system placed of mass M in terms of the atom masses, bond lengths d, and angle α.
    2. Find the principal moments moments of inertia I1, I2,I3 and the corresponding principal axes.
    3. (Extra credit.) Find the principal moments and axes for a coordinate system centered at the ceter of mass of the molecule.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #20

Oct. 26, 2022

Finish reading Chapter 5 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider a Cartesian coordinate system in which a vector V has components (Vx,Vy,Vz). Now suppose that the coordinate system is rotated by the 3 Euler angles so that in the new orientation, the vector has components (V'x,V'y,V'z). Find the rotation matrix and the new vector components for the case that α=90 deg, β=90 deg, and γ=0 deg.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #21

Oct. 31, 2022

Start reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Approximate the ocean as an incompressible fluid and ignore effects of fluid motion to estimate the pressure difference at a height of 100 meters below the sea relative to the pressure at the sea surface. Please mention the density of sea water you assume for your estimate.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #22

Nov. 02, 2022

Continue reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider the example discussed in Lecture 29, concerning the flow of an incompressible fluid in the z direction in the presence of a stationary cylindrical log oriented in the y direction. For this homework problem, the log is replaced by a stationary sphere. Find the velocity potential for this case, using the center of the sphere as the origin of the coordinate system and spherical polar coordinates.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #23

Nov. 04, 2022

Continue reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Using the analysis covered in class, estimate the speed of sound in the fluid of He gas at 1 atmosphere of pressure and at 300K temperature.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #24

Nov. 07, 2022

Continue reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider a cylindrical pipe of length 0.5 m and radius 0.05 m, open at both ends. For air at 300 K and atmospheric pressure in this pipe, find several of the lowest frequency resonances.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #25

Nov. 09, 2022

Finish reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Assume the ideal gas law and adiabatic conditions for He gas, having an initial pressure of p0= 101325 Pa (1 atm) and initial temperature of T0=300K. Calculate the following when the pressure is changed p1=2p0.
    1. T1.
    2. The change in the internal energy per unit mass Δ ε.
    3. The change in the entropy per unit mass Δ s

PHY 711 -- Assignment #26

Nov. 11, 2022

Start reading Chapter 10 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Work Problem 10.3 at the end of Chapter 10 in Fetter and Walecka. Note that some of ideas are discussed in Lecture 33.

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Last modfied: Wednesday, 09-Nov-2022 22:17:04 EST