PHY 711 Classical Mechanics

MWF 11-11:50 AM OPL 107

Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth Phone:758-5510Office:300 OPL

General Information

This course is a one semester survey of Classical Mechanics at the graduate level, using the textbook: Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua by Alexander L. Fetter and John Dirk Walecka (McGraw-Hill, 1980) -- F&W. In addition to this textbook the following books have been placed in the Physics Library for your use in the library (that is, please do not remove the books from the physics library):


Ralph Baierlein, Newtonian Dynamics (McGraw Hill, 1987)

QA 805

Herbert Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (Addison-Wesley, 1980)


L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics (Pergamon Press, 1976)


Jerry B. Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems (Academic, 1970)


Keith R. Symon, Mechanics (Addison-Wesley, 1971)

It is likely that your grade for the course will depend upon the following factors:

Problem sets*


Computational project




*In general, there will a new assignment after each lecture, so that for optimal learning, it would be best to complete each assignment before the the next scheduled lecture. According to the honor system, all work submitted for grading purposes should represent the student's own best efforts.

Course schedule

(Preliminary schedule -- subject to frequent adjustment.)
DateF&W ReadingTopicAssignment
Wed, 8/25/99Chap. 1Review of basic principles;Scattering theory#1
Fri, 8/27/99Chap. 1Scattering theory continued#2
Mon, 8/30/99Chap. 1Scattering theory continued#3
Wed, 9/1/99Chap. 2Accelerated coordinates#4
Fri, 9/3/99Chap. 3Accelerated coordinates
Mon, 9/6/99Chap. 3Lagrangian Dyanmics #5
Wed, 9/8/99Chap. 3Lagrangian Dyanmics continued#6
Fri, 9/10/99Chap. 3Lagrangian Dyanmics continued#7
Mon, 9/13/99Chap. 3Lagrangians and Hamiltonians
Wed, 9/15/99Chap. 6Hamiltonian Dynamics #8
Fri, 9/17/99Chap. 6Hamiltonian Dynamics #9
Mon, 9/20/99Chap. 6Hamilton Jacobi Theory #10
Wed, 9/22/99Chap. 6Hamilton Jacobi Theory
Fri, 9/24/99Chap. 6Review Summarizing Activity
Mon, 9/27/99Chap. 4Normal modes of oscillation
Wed, 9/29/99Chap. 4Normal modes of oscillation #11
Fri, 10/1/99Chap. 4Normal modes of oscillation #12
Mon, 10/4/99Chap. 5Rigid body motion
Wed, 10/6/99Chap. 5Rigid body motion #13
Fri, 10/8/99Chap. 5Rigid body motion #14
Mon, 10/11/99Chap. 5Rigid body motion #15
Mon, 10/18/99Chap. 7Physics of strings #16
Wed, 10/20/99Chap. 7Physics of strings #17
Fri, 10/21/99Chap. 7Physics of strings Summarizing Activity
Mon, 10/25/99Chap. 7Physics of strings
Wed, 10/27/99Chap. 8Physics of membranes
Fri, 10/29/99Chap. 8Physics of membranes #18
Mon, 11/1/99Chap. 9Fluids #19
Wed, 11/3/99Chap. 9Fluids #20
Fri, 11/5/99Chap. 9Fluids #21
Mon, 11/8/99Chap. 9Fluids #22
Wed, 11/10/99Chap. 9Fluids
Fri, 11/12/99Chap. 9SciWorks Trip
Mon, 11/15/99Chap. 9Nonlinear effects in fluids #23
Wed, 11/17/99Chap. 9Nonlinear effects in fluids #24
Fri, 11/19/99Chap. 10Surface waves #25
Mon, 11/29/99Chap. 10Surface waves #26
Wed, 12/1/99Chap. 10Surface waves #27
Fri, 12/3/99Chap. 10Surface waves

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