PHY 712 Electrodynamics

MWF 11-11:50 AM OPL 107

Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth Phone:758-5510Office:300 OPL

General Information

This course is a one semester survey of Electrodyamics at the graduate level, using the textbook: Classical Electrodyamics by John David Jackson (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) -- "JDJ".

It is likely that your grade for the course will depend upon the following factors:

Problem sets*


Computational project




*In general, there will a new assignment after each lecture, so that for optimal learning, it would be best to complete each assignment before the the next scheduled lecture. According to the honor system, all work submitted for grading purposes should represent the student's own best efforts.

Course schedule

(Preliminary schedule -- subject to frequent adjustment.)
DateJDJ ReadingTopicAssi gnment
1. Wed, 1/17/2001Chap. I and 1Introduction and Units #1
2. Fri, 1/19/2001Chap. 1Poisson Equation #2
3. Mon, 1/22/2001Chap. 1Green's Theorem #3
4. Wed, 1/24/2001Chap. 1Ewald Summation methods #4
5. Fri, 1/26/2001Chap. 1Ewald Summation continued
6. Mon, 1/29/2001Chap. 1Some numerical solutions to Poisson Equation #5
7. Wed, 1/31/2001Chap. 2Image charges #6
8. Fri, 2/2/2001Chap. 2Orthogonal function expansions #7
9. Mon, 2/5/2001Chap. 2Finite element method #8
10. Wed, 2/7/2001Chap. 3Spherical harmonic expansions #9
11. Fri, 2/9/2001Chap. 3Cylindrical geometry #10
12. Mon, 2/12/2001Chap. 4Multipole expansions #11
13. Wed, 2/14/2001Chap. 4Dipole fields #12
14. Fri, 2/16/2001Chap. 4Dielectric constant #13
15. Fri, 2/19/2001Chap. 5Magnetostatics
16. Wed, 2/21/2001Chap. 5Magnetostatics #14
17. Fri, 2/23/2001Chap. 5Hyperfine interaction and magnetization #15
18. Mon, 2/26/2001Chap. 5Magnetostatic boundary value problems
19. Wed, 2/28/2001Chap. 5Magnetostatic boundary value problems
20. Fri, 3/2/2001Chap. 6Maxwell's equations
21. Mon, 3/5/2001Chap. 6Maxwell's equations
22. Wed, 3/7/2001Chap. 6Lienard-Wiechert Potentials
23. Fri, 3/9/2001Chap. 6Field energy relations
24. Mon, 3/19/2001Chap. 7Planewave solutions #16
25. Wed, 3/21/2001Chap. 7Planewave solutions #17
26. Fri, 3/23/2001Chap. 7Dielectric models #18
27. Mon, 3/26/2001Chap. 7Dielectric models #19
28. Wed, 3/28/2001Chap. 7Kramers-Kronig transforms
29. Fri, 3/30/2001Chap. 7Kramers-Kronig transforms
30. Mon, 4/2/2001Chap. 8Wave guides #20
31. Wed, 4/4/2001Chap. 8Wave guides #21
32. Fri, 4/6/2001Chap. 9Radiation #22
33. Mon, 4/9/2001Chap. 9Antennas
34. Wed, 4/11/2001Chap. 9Radiation #23
35. Mon, 4/16/2001Chap.11Special Relativity #24
36. Wed, 4/18/2001Chap.11Special Relativity #25
37. Fri, 4/20/2001Chap.11Special Relativity #26
38. Mon, 4/23/2001Chap.14Radiation by moving charges #27
39. Wed, 4/25/2001Chap.14Radiation by moving charges #28
40. Fri, 4/27/2001Chap.14Synchrotron radiation
41. Mon, 4/30/2001Chap.15Bremsstrahlung
42. Mon, 5/1/2001Student Presentation

Final exam: Available -- 5/4/01; Due -- 5/12/01
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Last modfied: Wednesday, 02-May-2001 09:08:57 EDT