Jan 31, 2002

Summary of angular momentum formalisms Summary of angular momentum formalisms


Coordinate representation of orbital angular momentum

In spherical polar coordinates, the operator representing the squared angular momentum L2 takes the form:

L2 = -(h/2p)2 ì

q sinq
+ 1
sin2 q
while the operator representing z-component of angular momentum takes the form:
Lz = -i (h/2p)
The spherical harmonic functions Ylm are eigenfunctions of both L2 and Lz with
L2 Ylm = (h/2p)2 l(l+1)
Lz Ylm = (h/2p) m.
Some of these spherical harmonic functions are:
Y00 = 1
Y10 =   æ

Y1±1 =   æ

sinqe±i f

In the process of evaluating the differential eigenvalue equations, we find that the ``quantum numbers'' l must be postive integers (l = 0, 1, 2, ¼), and m is restricted to the integer values between -l £ m £ l.

Operator representation of general angular momentum

The following derivation follows the discussion of Shankar's text ( Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition, Chapter 12). It turns out that a very similar eigenvalue structure can be derived in an operator formalism. In this operator formalism, we will see that additional half-integer solutions for the angular momentum quantum numbers are also possible. For this generalization we will use J2 and Jz to represent the square and z- components of the angular momentum, respectively. Furthermore, we will assume that we can find the eigenvalues of these operators which we will denote by a and b for the moment:

J2 |abñ = a |abñ
Jz |abñ = b |abñ.
We can now introduce 2 other operators which will prove to be very helpful:
J± º Jx ±Jy.
We can show that these operators have the effect of incrementing or decrementing the b eigenvalue of |abñ by one.

First we note the following commutation relations:

[Jz,J±] = ±(h/2p) J±
[J2, J±] = 0.
Later, we will also need to use the result
[J-,J+] = -2 (h/2p) Jz,
which follows from the identity
[Jx,Jy] = i (h/2p) Jz.
We can then show that the function (J±|abñ) has eigenvalues a and b ±(h/2p) of J2 and Jz, respectively. Acting on (J±|abñ) with J2:
J2 (J±|abñ) = J± J2 |abñ = J± a |abñ = a (J± |abñ).
Acting on (J±|abñ) with Jz:
Jz(J±|abñ) = ±(h/2p) |abñ+ J± Jz |abñ = ±(h/2p) |abñ+ J± b |abñ = (±(h/2p) + b) (J±|abñ).
This mean that we can write the function (J± |abñ) as N |a(b±(h/2p))ñ, where N is a normalization constant determined from:
N2 áa(b±(h/2p))|a(b±(h/2p))ñ = áab|J±f J± |abñ = áab|(J2 - Jz2 (h/2p) Jz|abñ = a - b2 (h/2p) b,
assuming that áab||abñ = 1. This result means that
N = Ö
a-b2 (h/2p) b
In order to make further progress, we notice that since the normalization cannot be negative, for a given value of a, there are restrictions on the value of b. In particular, we can safely assume that there is a maximum value of b which we will denote by bmax. From the behavior of a maximum value, we know that
J+ |abmaxñ = 0.
Now multiplying the above equation by J-, we find
J-J+ |abmaxñ = 0 = (Jx2 + Jy2 + i[Jx,Jy])|abmaxñ = (J2 - Jz2 - (h/2p) Jz) |abmaxñ = a -b2max - (h/2p) bmax.
This defines the eigenvalue a in terms of bmax to be
a = bmax( bmax + (h/2p)).
We can also use Eq. (18) to argue that b has a minimum value bmin and analyzing the properties of |abminñ using similar steps as above, we can also show that
a = bmin( bmin - (h/2p)).
Comparing Eqs. (21) and (22), it is apparent that
bmin = - bmax.
It is now convenient to define bmax º (h/2p) j so that the eigenvalue a can be written
a = (h/2p)2 j(j+1).
This analysis then suggests that if we define a general value of the eigenvalue b to take the form
b º (h/2p) mj,
the results tell us that mj can take the values -j £ mj £ j, (2j+1 different values in all for a given j). With these definitions, the normalized increment or decrement operation can be written:
J± |j mj ñ = (h/2p) Ö
j(j+1) - mj(mj ±1)
|j (mj ±1)ñ.
This structure of the eigenvalues jmj is very similar to the eigenvalues of orbital angular moment lm. There is one new ``wrinkle'', however. The above arguments tell us that we can get from the maximum value of mj = j to the minimum value mj = -j in a number of applications of the operator J-. Suppose that that number of applications is U. This means that the sequence of values of the eigenvalue mj is
j, j-1, j-2, ¼j-U,
so that
j-U = -j
j = U
Since U must be an integer, j can be an integer if U is even, but can also be a half-integer if U is odd!! This means that we can use this formalism to describe orbital, spin, and total angular momentum.

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