MWF 9-9:50 AM | OPL 105 | |
Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth | Phone:758-5510 | Office:300 OPL | |
Lecture date
JDJ Reading
Due date
1 | Mon: 01/14/2019 | Chap. 1 & Appen. | Introduction, units and Poisson equation | #1 | 01/23/2019 |
2 | Wed: 01/16/2019 | Chap. 1 | Electrostatic energy calculations | #2 | 01/23/2019 |
3 | Fri: 01/18/2019 | Chap. 1 | Electrostatic potentials and fields | #3 | 01/23/2019 |
Mon: 01/21/2019 | No class | Martin Luther King Holiday | |||
4 | Wed: 01/23/2019 | Chap. 1 - 3 | Poisson's equation in 2 and 3 dimensions | ||
5 | Fri: 01/25/2019 | Chap. 1 - 3 | Brief introduction to numerical methods | #4 | 01/28/2019 | 6 | Mon: 01/28/2019 | Chap. 2 & 3 | Image charge constructions | #5 | 01/30/2019 |
7 | Wed: 01/30/2019 | Chap. 2 & 3 | Cylindrical and spherical geometries | ||
8 | Fri: 02/01/2019 | Chap. 3 & 4 | Spherical geometry and multipole moments | #6 | 02/04/2019 | 9 | Mon: 02/04/2019 | Chap. 4 | Dipoles and Dielectrics | #7 | 02/06/2019 |
10 | Wed: 02/06/2019 | Chap. 4 | Polarization and Dielectrics | ||
11 | Fri: 02/08/2019 | Chap. 5 | Magnetostatics | #8 | 02/11/2019 | 12 | Mon: 02/11/2019 | Chap. 5 | Magnetic dipoles and hyperfine interaction | #9 | 02/13/2019 |
13 | Wed: 02/13/2019 | Chap. 5 | Magnetic dipoles and dipolar fields | #10 | 02/15/2019 |
14 | Fri: 02/15/2019 | Chap. 6 | Maxwell's Equations | #11 | 02/18/2019 | 15 | Mon: 02/18/2019 | Chap. 6 | Electromagnetic energy and forces | #12 | 02/20/2019 |
16 | Wed: 02/20/2019 | Chap. 7 | Electromagnetic plane waves | #13 | 02/22/2019 |
17 | Fri: 02/22/2019 | Chap. 7 | Electromagnetic plane waves | #14 | 02/25/2019 | 18 | Mon: 02/25/2019 | Chap. 7 | Refractive index |
19 | Wed: 02/27/2019 | Chap. 8 | EM waves in wave guides | ||
20 | Fri: 03/01/2019 | Chap. 1-8 | Review | Mon: 03/04/2019 | No class | APS March Meeting | Take Home Exam |
Wed: 03/06/2019 | No class | APS March Meeting | Take Home Exam | ||
Fri: 03/08/2019 | No class | APS March Meeting | Take Home Exam | Mon: 03/11/2019 | No class | Spring Break |
Wed: 03/13/2019 | No class | Spring Break | |||
Fri: 03/15/2019 | No class | Spring Break | 21 | Mon: 03/18/2019 | Chap. 9 | Radiation from localized oscillating sources | #15 | 3/22/2019 |
22 | Wed: 03/20/2019 | Chap. 9 | Radiation from oscillating sources | #16 | 3/25/2019 |
23 | Fri: 03/22/2019 | Chap. 9 and 10 | Radiation from oscillating sources | #17 | 3/27/2019 | 24 | Mon: 03/25/2019 | Chap. 11 | Special Theory of Relativity | Pick topic | 3/29/2019 |
25 | Wed: 03/27/2019 | Chap. 11 | Special Theory of Relativity | #18 | 4/01/2019 |
26 | Fri: 03/29/2019 | Chap. 11 | Special Theory of Relativity | #19 | 4/03/2019 | 27 | Mon: 04/01/2019 | Chap. 14 | Radiation from accelerating charged particles | #20 | 4/05/2019 |
28 | Wed: 04/03/2019 | Chap. 14 | Synchrotron radiation | ||
29 | Fri: 04/05/2019 | Chap. 14 | Synchrotron radiation | #21 | 4/10/2019 | 30 | Mon: 04/08/2019 | Chap. 15 | Radiation from collisions of charged particles | #22 | 4/12/2019 |
31 | Wed: 04/10/2019 | Chap. 13 | Cherenkov radiation | ||
32 | Fri: 04/12/2019 | Special topic: E & M aspects of superconductivity | 33 | Mon: 04/15/2019 | Special topic: Aspects of optical properties of materials |
34 | Wed: 04/17/2019 | Chap. 1-15 | Review | ||
Fri: 04/19/2019 | No class | Good Friday | 35 | Mon: 04/22/2019 | Chap. 1-15 | Review |
36 | Wed: 04/24/2019 | Chap. 1-15 | Review | ||
Fri: 04/26/2019 | Presentations I | ||||
Mon: 04/29/2019 | Presentations II | ||||
Wed: 05/01/2019 | Presentations III |
Read Chapters I and 1 and Appendix 1 in Jackson.
Continue reading Chap. 1 in Jackson.
Continue reading Chap. 2 in Jackson.
Complete reading Chapter 3 and start Chapter 4 in Jackson .
Complete reading Chapter 4 in Jackson .
Start reading Chapter 5 in Jackson .
Continue reading Chapter 5 in Jackson .
Finish reading Chapter 5 in Jackson .
Finish reading Chapter 6 in Jackson .
Continue reading Chapter 7 in Jackson .
Finish reading Chapter 8 and start reading Chapter 9 in Jackson .
Continue reading Chapters 9 and 10 in Jackson .
Finish reading Chapters 9 and 10 in Jackson .
Continue reading Chapter 11 in Jackson .
Continue reading Chapter 11 in Jackson .
Continue reading Chap. 14
in Jackson .
Finish reading Chap. 14
in Jackson .
Start reading Chap. 15
in Jackson .
PHY 712 -- Assignment #1
PHY 712 -- Assignment #2
where ρ0 and a are constants.
ρ(x) = ⎧
x < −a/2
ρ0 x/a
−a/2 ≤ x ≤ a/2
x > a/2,
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version 4.12.
where ρ0 represents a density constant and a represents a
length constant.
In the problem, you are asked to determine the electrostatic potential
Φ(x,y) for 0 ≤ x ≤ a and 0 ≤ y ≤ a, which satisfies
the Poisson equation for the charge density ρ(x,y).
and statisfies the boundary conditions Φ(0,y)=Φ(a,y) = Φ(x,0)=Φ(x,a)=0.
ρ(x) = ρ0 sin ⎛
sin ⎛
2 πy
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version 4.12.
PHY 712 -- Assignment #5
PHY 712 -- Assignment #6
PHY 712 -- Assignment #7
PHY 712 -- Assignment #8
PHY 712 -- Assignment #9
PHY 712 -- Assignment #10
was introduced. Here r,t represent the position and time
at which the field is measured, and Rq(t′) represents
the trajectory of the charged particle source.
Demonstrate the following identities:
v ≡ v(t′) ≡
d Rq(t′)
v(tr) ·(r−Rq(tr))
−c∇tr =
v(tr) ·(r−Rq(tr))
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version 4.12.
PHY 712 -- Assignment #12
E(r,t) = ℜ ⎧
H0 ei k z − i ωt (i μω)
sin ⎛
Here H0 denotes a real amplitude, and the parameter k is assumed to
be real and equal to
H(r,t) = ℜ ⎧
H0 ei k z − i ωt ⎡
sin ⎛
+ cos ⎛
for μϵω2 > ([(π)/a] )2.
k ≡
μϵω2 − ⎛
for this electromagnetic wave.
〈S 〉avg ≡
ℜ{ E(r,t)×H*(r,t) }
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version 4.12.
PHY 712 -- Assignment #14
PHY 712 -- Assignment #15
PHY 712 -- Assignment #16
PHY 712 -- Assignment #17
PHY 712 -- Assignment #18
PHY 712 -- Assignment #19
PHY 712 -- Assignment #20
PHY 712 -- Assignment #21
PHY 712 -- Assignment #22