Churchill Scholars are
very often accepted to the graduate schools and medical schools of their
choice before they spend a year in Cambridge and are allowed to defer
their acceptance to the following year. (A few graduate schools require
deferred students to reapply with the understanding of guaranteed
readmission, largely in order to calculate scholarship support properly.)
Some Scholars, however, choose to apply to graduate school or to
medical school whole they are in Cambridge, a process which usually
entails at least one return trip to the United States for interviews.
Finally, many Churchill Scholars have applied for graduate fellowship
like the NSF, NDSEG, and others while they are seniors in college, some
apply during their year in Cambridge. The NSF and some other fellowships
are deferrable, but the NDSEG is not.
Here are many of the graduate and professional schools at which
Churchill Scholars are currently enrolled and the relevant departments or
California Institute of Technology: Astronomy; Chemistry;
Mathematics; Physics
Columbia University: Chemical Physics; Geological Sciences
Weill Cornell Medical College: MD/PhD
Duke University: Biology; Computer Science
Duke Medical School: MD/PhD in Neuroscience
Harvard University: Astronomy, Biological Chemistry, Mathematics,
Molecular and Cellular Biology; Physics
Harvard Medical School: MD and MD/PhD Johns Hopkins University:
Chemistry and Biology Interface Program Massachusetts Institute of
Technology: Applied Mathematics; Biology; Computer Science; Mathematics,
Physical Chemistry; Physics Princeton University: Mathematics;
Physics; Public Affairs (Woodrow Wilson School) Stanford University:
Aeronautical Engineering; Biological Sciences; Biochemistry; Biophysics;
Chemical & Systems Biology; Chemistry; Mathematics; Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University Medical School: MD/PhD in Neuroscience, MD/PhD in
Oncology The Tri-Institutional Program of Cornell University,
Rockefeller University, an the Sloan-Kettering Institute University of
California/Berkeley: Energy Resource Group; Mathematics University of
Cambridge: Biochemistry; Clinical Biochemistry; Developmental Biology;
Materials Science and Metallurgy; Mathematics; Pharmacology; Zoology
University of Chicago: Biological Anthropology; Mathematics University
of Cologne: Biology University of Colorado: Physical Chemistry
University of Manchester: Biology University of Pennsylvania Medical
School: MD and MD/PhD Washington University Medical School: MD and