Two Ministers Meet St. Peter


Two ministers were returning together from a retreat when they were in an auto accident and both were killed. They reported in the to pearly gates where they were met by St. Peter.

St. Peter said, "You two were not expected for some time and your early arrival has put us in a rather embarrassing situation. Your condos will not be ready for six-weeks, but here is what we will do.

"We will let you return to earth for those six-weeks as anything you wish to be."

The first pastor thought for a moment and then said, "Will I have always wondered what it would be like to be an Eagle soaring in the heavens. So I would like to return as an Eagle."

The second thought for a moment and then said, "Well it may seem a bit strange for a man of the cloth, but I would like to return as a stud."

St. Peter said, "No Problem! Done." and the two pastors disappeared.

Time passed and one day St. Peter asked his assistant, "How are those two pastors doing that we sent back to earth until their condos were ready?"

The assistant said, "Well the one who wanted to be an Eagle is soaring over the Grand Canyon and just having a grand time!"

"And what of the other one?" asked St. Peter.

"Oh, him!" Said the assistant, "Well he's on a snow tire in Buffalo."