Lab II
1-9 parts a-d
(Hints: use with(Physics[Vectors]): Setup(mathematicalnotation = true):
can be given defined as
Magnitude is Norm; Dot product is just a period; Cross product is &x)
You may also use evalf and arccos functions.
(Hints: assume b,w, t to be real. You may use the following commands: VectorDiff(rad,t), V:= unapply(v,t)).
Instead of VectorDiff, diff may work better (seems the case for Maple 17)
1-11 - first part [Just demonstrate that the first equation that is written out are correct.]
(Hints, assume all componenets are real. This time use restart;
Setup(mathematicalnotation = true);
One way to define a matrix is using M:= Matrix([[ A1 , A2 , A3 ],[ B1 , B2 , B3 ],[ C1 , C2 , C3 ]])
You may use the following commands: Determinant.
1-14 part a only
(Hints: You may use the commands: AB:= Multiply(A,B);).
IV Find the gradient of cos(x) + sin(z).
IV Let A = sin(x) i + cos(z) j + ex k. Find the divergence and curl of A.