Co-editor (together with M. Donald Hancock), German Unification: Process and Outcomes. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1994, 408 pp
Monograph, Revolutionärer Wandel auf Befehl? Entnazifizierungs- und Personalpolitik in Thüringen und Sachsen (1945-1948) (Revolutionary Change by Administrative Edict? Denazification and Personnel Turnover in Thuringia and Saxony, 1945-1948), Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1989, 214 pp.
Book Chapters
Book chapter, "Unified Germany: The Desire for Stability and the Need for Change," in: Ronald Tiersky, ed., Europe Today. National Politics, European Integration, and European Security. 2nd ed. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2004, 211-249
Book chapter, "East-West Electoral Encounters in Unified Germany," in: David Conradt et al., eds., Power Shift in Germany. The 1998 Election and the End of the Kohl Era. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2000, 181-199.
Book chapter (together with M.Donald Hancock), "Beyond Privatizatoin: Capitalism and Democracy in Unified Germany," in: M.Donald Hancock and John Logue, eds., Transitions to Capitalism and Democracy in Russia and Central Europe. Westport, CT and London: Praeger, 2000, 207-225.
Book chapter, "Kaderpolitik auf dem Pruefstand: Die Bezirke und ihre Sekretaere 1952-1989," in: Peter Huebner, ed., Eliten im Sozialismus. Beitraege zur Sozialgeschichte der DDR. Cologne: Boehlau, 1999, 107-129.
Book chapter, "Zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht: Zur Rolle der 1. Bezirkssekretaere der SED" (Between Power and Powerlessness: The Role of the First District Secretaries of the SED), in: Stefan Hornbostel, ed., Sozialistische Eliten. Horizontale und vertikale Differenzierungsmuster in der DDR. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1999, 105-123.
Book chapter, "Denazification, System Transformation, and Regime Legitimation: The Case of the German Democratic Republic," to be published in Peter H. Merkl and Stein Ugelvik Larsen, eds., Modern Europe after Fascism. How Europe Handled Her Past When Shaping Her Future. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998, 315-336.
Book chapter, "Von der Transformation zur Konsolidierung: eine Bestandsaufnahme" (From Transition toConsolididation: A Balance Sheet), in: Arndt Hopfmann and Michael Wolf, eds., Transformation und Interdependenz. Beitraege zu Theorie und Empirie der mittel- und osteuropaeischen Systemwechsel. Muenster: Lit Verlag, 1998, 113-134.
Book chapter, "Die kommunistischen Eliten als Gegenstand der Forschung," (Communist Elite Theory Revisited) in: Arnd Bauerkämper et al., eds., Gesellschaft ohne Eliten? Führungsgruppen in der DDR (Society without Elites?). Berlin: Metropol, 1997, 131-150.
Book chapter (lead author, together with Andreas Pickel and Dorothy Rosenberg), "East and West German Identities: United and Divided?" in: Konrad H. Jarausch, ed., After Unity: Reconfiguring German Identities. Providence and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1997, 103-136
Book chapter, "Shadows of the Past: Germany and the Legacy of SED Rule," in: Peter H. Merkl, ed., The Federal Republic of Germany at Forty-Five. Union without Unity. Houndsville and London: MacMillan Press, 1995, pp. 113-127 (also published by New York University Press, 1995)
Book chapter, "Four Years and Several Elections Later: The Eastern German Political Landscape After Unification," in: David P. Conradt et al., eds., Germany's New Politics. Parties and Issues in the 1990s. Providence and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1995, pp. 43-60. Also published as Special Issue of the German Studies Review, 1995, pp. 35-50
Book chapter, "Von der Transformations- zur Konsolidierungsphase. Ein Zwischenbericht aus den neuen Bundesländern," in: Roland Schönfeld, ed., Fünf Jahre nach der Wende - Bilanz in Mittel- und Osteuropa. XXII International Konferenz 9. bis 12.Juni 1994, Magdeburg. Munich: Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1995, pp. 27-35 (Vol. 1: Aus der Südosteuropa-Forschung)
Book chapter, "The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the GDR: Evolution, Revolution, and Diffusion," in Hancock/Welsh, eds., German Unification, pp. 17-34.
Book chapters (together with M. Donald Hancock), "Introduction: Models of Unification," and "Conclusion: Beyond Unification," ibid.; pp. 1-15; pp. 313-320.
Book chapter, "Foreigners and Germans: An Uneasy Relationship?," in Nicholas Meyerhofer, ed., Europe and the United States Facing the Post- Communist World. Phoenix: Arrowhead Press, 1993, pp. 37-50.
Book chapter, "Entnazifizierung in der DDR und die Wende," in Rainer Eckert et al., eds., Wendezeiten - Zeitenwände. Zur "Entnazifizierung und "Entstalinisierung". Hamburg: Ergebnisse, 1991, pp. 65-76.
Book chapter," Antifaschistisch-demokratische Umwälzung und politische Säuberung in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands," in Klaus-Dietmar Henke und Klaus Woller, eds., Politische Säuberung in Europa. Die Abrechnung mit Faschismus und Kollaboration nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (Political Purge in Europe. Reckoning with Fascism and Collaboration after the Second World War) Munich: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1991, pp. 84-107.
Book chapters, "Sachsen;" "Thüringen;" "Deutsche Zentralverwaltung für Justiz;" "Deutsche Zentralverwaltung für Volksbildung;" Deutsche Zentralverwaltung für das Gesundheitswesen," in SBZ-Handbuch. Staatliche Verwaltungen, Parteien, gesellschaftliche Organisationen und ihre Führungskräfte in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands 1945-1949 (Handbook of the the Soviet Zone of Occupation. State Administrations, Parties, Societal Institutions and Its Leading Personalities 1945-1949). Edited by Martin Broszat and Hermann Weber. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1990, pp. 126-146; 167-189; 218-228; 229-238; 244-252.
Book chapter, together with Wolfgang Zank, "Die deutschen Zentralverwal-tungen (The German Central Administrations), in SBZ-Handbuch. Edited by Martin Broszat and Hermann Weber. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1990, pp. 201-206.
Article, "The Elite Conundrum in the GDR: Lessons from the District Level," German Studies Review, 24, 1 (February 2001), pp. 19-34.
Article (together with John P. Willerton), "Regional cooperation and the CIS: West European Lessons and post-Soviet experience," International Politics, 34, 1 (March 1997), pp. 33-61. Article, "Parliamentary Elites in Times of Political Transition: The Case of Eastern Germany," West European Politics, 19, 3 (July 1996), pp. 507- 524.
Article, "Dealing with the Communist Past: Central and East European Experiences after 1990," Europe-Asia Studies, 48, 3 (May 1996), pp. 413- 428.
Article (together with Hans-Georg Betz), "The PDS in the New German Party System," German Politics, 4, 3 (December 1995), pp. 92-111. Article, "Political Transition Processes in Central and Eastern Europe," Comparative Politics, 26, 4 (July 1994), pp. 379-394.
Article, "The Divided Past and the Difficulties of German Unification," German Politics and Society, No. 30 (Fall 1993), pp. 75-86.
Article, "Entnazifizierung und Wiedereröffnung der Universität Leipzig, 1945-1946. Ein Bericht des damaligen Rektors Bernhard Schweitzer," Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 33 (1985), pp. 339-372.
Bibliographic Monographs, Book Reviews, and Miscellaneous
Book review of Wade Jacoby, Imitation and Politics. Redesigning Modern Germany. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2001, in: Perspectives on Politics, 1, 1 (March 2003): 211.
Book review of Jennifer A. Yoder, From East Germans to Germans? The New Postcommunist Elites. Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 1999, in: American Political Science Review, vol. 94, no. 3 (September 2000), pp. 759-760.
Book review of Andrei S. Markovits and Simon Reich, The German Predicament. Memory and Power in the New Europe. in: Journal of Politics, vol. 61, no. 2 (May 1999), pp.591-592.
Book review of Jeffrey Kopstein, The Politics of Economic Decline in East Germany, 1945-1989. Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1997; in: H-NET/H-GERMAN (H-GERMAN@H-NET.MSU.EDU) H-German Book Reviews, 23 January 1998
Book review of Mary Fulbrook, Anatomy of a Dictatorship. Inside the GDR 1949-1989. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1995; in: American Political Science Review, 90 (1996), pp. 936-937
Conference paper and participant, "Individuals, Purges, and Politics: 1945 and 1989 in Comparison," in: Claudia Mayer-Iswandy and Uwe Rau, eds., Zwischen Ende und Anfang. Individuelles Geschichtserleben 1945 und 1989. Internationales und interdisziplinäres Symposium. Goethe-Institute Montréal, 1995, pp. 29-42.
co-editor, Research Directory, Conference Group on German Politics, March 1995
Newspaper article, "Amerikanisches Engagement in Mittel- und Osteuropa," (American Initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe), in Das Parlament, No. 52-53, December 20/27, 1991, p. 14.
Book review of Geschichte des Arbeiter- und Bauern-Staates der DDR, 1945- 1949. Berlin (Ost): Staatsverlag der DDR, 1983; and Geschichte des Staates und des Rechts der DDR. Dokumente 1945-1949. Berlin (Ost): Staatsverlag der DDR, 1984 in German Studies Review, 8, 3 (October 1985), pp. 573-575.
Book review of Dietrich Güstrow, In jenen Jahren. Aufzeichnungen eines "befreiten" Deutschen. Berlin (West): Severin und Siedler, 1983, in Deutschland Archiv, 17 (1984), pp. 752-754.
Biographies, "Andreas Hermes;" "Johann Baptist Gradl," in Politiker der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Persönlichkeiten des politischen Lebens seit 1949 von A-Z (Politicians of the Federal Republic of Germany. Personalities of Public Life since 1949 from A-Z), Düsseldorf: Econ, 1985, pp. 84, 97.
Research Report, Deutschlandforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Berlin (West). Lehre und Forschung an Universitäten und Hoch-schulen. Trends und Ergebnisse auf der Grundlage der Verzeichnisse der "Informations-stelle für DDR-Forschung" (Research on Germany in the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. Teaching and Research at Universities and Colleges. Trends and Results on the Basis of Publications of the "Information Center for GDR Research"), Bonn: Gesamtdeutsches Institut, January, 1982, 74 pp.
Bibliographic Monograph, Dissertationen und Habilitationen auf dem Gebiet der Deutschlandforschung, 1969-1978. Hochschulschriften aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Berlin (West) (Dissertations and Habilitationen on Germany, 1969-1978. Academic Theses from the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin). Bonn: Gesamtdeutsches Institut, September, 1980, XXII, 98 pp.
Bibliographic Monograph, Dissertationen und Habilitationen auf dem Gebiet der Deutschlandforschung, 1969-1978. Hochschulschriften aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und Berlin (Ost) (Dissertations and Habilitationen on Germany, 1969-1978. Academic Theses from the German Democratic Republic and East Berlin). Bonn: Gesamtdeutsches Institut, September, 1980, XXII, 103 pp.
Bibliography, together with Peter C. Ludz and Johannes Kuppe, Literatur-Hinweise,
in DDR-Handbuch (GDR Handbook). Director of Studies, Peter C. Ludz, assisted
by Johannes Kuppe, ed. Bundesministerium für inner-deutsche Beziehungen,
2nd. rev. ed., Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1979, pp. 1259-1280.