NT network

WFU1/CodeSrv1: DHCP - assign IP addresses, WINS, PDC/BDC verify
Domain login (Admin1 etc.)
Printer1&2: 200 pages/semester for student
Public2: c2000+/stu. orgs web pages: 500K free
WFU3, WFU4: Remedy/SQL, PointCast
Netmeeting, Tivoli:
Acad1, CodeSrv1, Lserve, Library1: dept/lab/CBT
Acfiles: fake NTserve, UNIX Samba (used to be called ac, academic,
which will be discontinued after Oct 1, 1997)
mix of NT 3.51/4.0 - may be unified to 5.0 next year
Psy, English, Language?, HES?, Babcock?, Health1, Financial Aid, BGMS,
Physical Facilities: departments' own Domain login/file/printer servers,
FrontPage, Exchange, BackOffice, IIS, ColdFusion, Domino.Broadcast, LearningSpace,
bulk printing ...
several “known” NT workstations: others will have no access to resources
(printer, files)
IS - Basement of Reynolda