Lenovo - (Hitachi) internal and (Fujitsu) external FDE Full Disk Encryption drives vs regular drive

Test System

Lenovo Thinkpad W500, Windows Vista Enterprise

Hitachi Gkibak Storage Technologies (Thailand) http://www.hitachigst.com/

HTS723216L92 FC2Z (160GB 7200 rpm Travelstar 7K320-160 HTS723216L9SA60 (OEM only?) 1.5Gbps SATA P/N 42T1122 FRU 42T1461 ASM 42T1567)


HTS723225L92 FCDL (250GB 7200 rpm FDE Travelstar 7K320-250 HTS723225L9SA61 (BDE - Bulk Data Encryption) 1.5Gbps SATA 43N3410 P/N 42T1125 FRU 42T1573 ASM 42T1572) * not useable as T400s/T410s primary, only secondary for some reason.




HD Tach, CrystalDiskMark 2.2, ATTO Disk Benchmark 2.41

Set password(s)/alamr beep in BIOS

Note: If you set both user+master passwords, you need master password to change user password. Make sure to read the FAQ about other considerations.


don't have luck using just power-USB and combo eSATA+USB combo port on the eSATA/USB 500GB external drive (Fujitsu MJA2500BH G2), the HP HDX won't see it until also add another USB port, which is very not practical, you have reach over the 18.4" screen to get to the other side, it is also slow.

Doesn't work using SIIG ExpressCard/34 eSATA II (based on Silicon Image SiI 3132 SATALink controller driver 1.0.22 8/22/2008) in W500 Windows 7 either, just power and eSATA connections won't get recognized.

Not sure why, but the T510's eSATA/USB combo works just like the instruction siad, does not need the 2nd USB connection.

Becareful about ordering too, for some crazy reason, after ordering, the tracking system and packing slip thinks 57Y4400 is a Wenger Slim Case for Lenovo, good thing they didn't ship that instead from CN via UPS SCS.

crystalmark using the T510 combo port

Here's the charts for 320GB USB one (the USB cable is built in also) (tested on T61 XP)