If you got non-unicode programs that use different languages, (亂碼/乱码)
sometimes you can run them through AppLocale to temporarily get around the problem. Since it has not been update for Windows Vista and Windows 7, you have to install it differently.
After you download the msi from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13209 (used to http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=8c4e8e0d-45d1-4d9b-b7c0-8430c1ac89ab&displaylang=en, before that http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/tools/apploc.mspx) , open a cmd as administrator
and run the msi
change compatibility of the installed program to XP
then you can run the Wizard
you probably want to add a shortcut as the last step if you use the program a lot
Hopefully it will let you use the program
you can also create a batch file to run program
One thing you cannot fix this way is filename (avoid doing that, program may not run if the path has foreign characters) and media data. The later you can use something like ConvertZ.
It is a lot easier try to play those files when you can read the title, artist, and album.
You can also change the system locale for the whole system.
Like AppLocale, it does not solve all problems either, e.g.
You can also switch your OS UI's language with MUI if you have Enterprise or Ultimate. Not available in Home editions (Neither 32-bit nor 64-bit ISOs are available for download from Microsoft SA licensing anymore, like in MSDN|TechNet during beta (TW version supposedly banned now also), you have to get it from WU.)
(Office 2007 requires its own MUI, and it also comes with a newer IME, see my other webpages for details Windows 7 CJK IME/MUI setup )
Not all programs, filenames, pathnames are localized, so it won't solve all problems either.
And make sure you know how to switch back, you may not be able to read the control panel applets' text, and have to rely on the icon (sort order would change) and button locations.