Filetypes Windows Vista Backup skips

Two of the biggest problems with Windows Vista Backup
1. You cannot choose what files/folders to include and exclude (other than the pretty much useless categories photo, vidoe, document etc.),
2. it ignores some filetypes automatically.
Neither has documentation on what filetypes it is using.

(see for FAQ on why it does some of the things it does for the "core consumers")

Even when it is doing "full backup" (not the complete backup) for the first time you use it, it is not really full backup. For our Lenovo Thinkpad T400, it only backups 160,251 files off the 283,750 files.

On a test with 1004 filetyes that are registered with our T61 and T400 laptops, 71 filetypes are skipped


If you select pictures, you get 75 types


If you select music, you get 51 types


If you select videos, you get 58 types


If you select e-mail, you get 8 types


If you select documents, you get 178 types


If you select TV shows, you get 1 type


If you select compressed files, you get 31 type


If you select additional files, you get 531 types