Physics how to - How to create a CD-R

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Steps Figure

1. Share your hard drive

right click on your hard drive in "My computer"


2. Add yourself to the share

a. choose "shared as:

b. click the "Add .."

c. type your login in "Name:"

d. click one of the three buttons. Usually "Full access ->"

e. click "OK" to close the "Add Users" dialog box.

f. click "OK" to close the "hard drive (C:) Properties" dialog box.

Your hard drive is now shared, so it should has a hand underneath it.

Go over to phylab03b

3. Locate your computer through the network

on phylab03b, found your computer in network neighborhood.

Click on your computer name, you should see your hard drive shared out.


4. Make a folder on phylab03b.

Copy files from your computer's C: to the folder you just made in phylab03b's C:

e.g. from yours c:\userdata (\\phylab01a\c in the illustratrion) to c:\userdata\myCDbackup



5. Start Adaptec Easy CD Creator

it is on the desktop of phylab03b



6. add the files in the folder you created in C: to the layout

select the folder(s) you want, and click "add"


If the screen does not look like this, do a "New|Data CD". Most likely someone used the machine to burn audio CD before.

(minor error in illustration - C:, noD:)

7. Create CD

the selected folder(s) should be in the lower pane.

(Make sure you don't have more than ~635MB in the selection as indicated in the status bar. If your userdata is larger than that, you have to make multiple CDs by selection a subset of userdata at a time.)

Click "Create CD"

(minor error in illustration - C:, noD:)

8. Accept the default settings

"Create CD" at "2x"


9. Insert a blank CD  

10. Wait

It takes ~39 min. to create a full CD (650MB)











11. Cleanup

Delete everything off C:\userdata\myCDbackup (whatever folder name you used) and empty trash


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Image Credits

Smart and Friendly CD Racer

Ching-Wan Yip, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109, U.S.A.

Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Sep-2000 16:32:28 EDT