1H NMR Spectroscopy for CHM 222L Professor: S. Bruce King | Programming & Design: Yue-Ling Wong

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Predict Spectrum I:

Predict Spectrum II:

Peak Assignments:

quick review


NMR provides information on how many hydrogen neighbors exist for a particular hydrogen or group of equivalent hydrogens. In general, an NMR resonance will be split into N + 1 peaks where N = number of hydrogens on the adjacent atom or atoms.

If there are no hydrogens on the adjacent atoms, then the resonance will remain a single peak, a singlet.
If there is one hydrogen on the adjacent atoms, the resonance will be split into two peaks of equal size, a doublet.
Two hydrogens on the adjacent atoms will split the resonance into three peaks with an area in the ratio of 1:2:1, a triplet.
If there are 3 hydrogens on the adjacent atoms, the resonance will be split into four peaks with an area in the ratio of 1:3:3:1, a quartet.

Review Questions
Predict the splitting patterns for the labeled hydrogens by drawing the peaks, represented by lines. Drag to draw the lines. Double-click on the line the delete it. (Hint: also note the height ratio of the peak and the distance between peaks.)

For ethyl acetate,

1. Draw the splitting pattern for the hydrogens labeled A.

2. Draw the splitting pattern for the hydrogens labeled B.

3. Draw the splitting pattern for the hydrogens labeled C.