Student: Amanda Tarlton
Game Type/Title: 3D Shopping Game
How to Play: Click once inside the game first. Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move around the 3D environment. SPACEBAR to fly up. The SHIFT key gives the player a boost of speed. The goal is to obtain the maximum number of points before the dollar amount runs out. The initial dollar amount is 500 dollars. Hitting the shoes decreases the dollar amount by 10 dollars and adds 3 points. The bags decrease 30 dollars and add 4 points. The rack of clothes decreases 50 dollars and adds 5 points. If the player jumps up and hits the Visa card, it adds 60 dollars to the dollar amount.
To restart the game, reload this web page.
Sound: No.
OOP class file created: (from Lab08) and subclasses of Tree: Apparel, Bag, Shoe, and Visa.