CSC 108 Spring 209 - Student Project
Student Gallery :: Final Project

Student: Robert Daly

Game Type/Title: 3D Racing Game

How to Play: Click once inside the game first. Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to drive around the 3D environment. CONTROL key to fly up. SHIFT key to give you a turbo boost. SPACEBAR to shoot a coconut. If the coconut hits the other racer car, it will stall the racer car for 2 seconds so you can pass it. The other racer car always tries to swerve back and forth right in front of you to block you. Avoid hitting the trees and the other racer car.
To restart the game, reload this web page.

Sound: No.

OOP class file created: (from Lab08) and subclasses of Tree: Bullet, and Racer.