Things to turn in: 1 Flash file (upload to Blackboard), no lab questions.
- lab02-spinning-coin.fla
If you decide to do the Extra Credit, then also upload the file lab02-extra-credit.fla
Due: 2:00pm Monday
General Criteria:
- playback: all animation play correctly
- correct use of symbols and shapes in animation
- apply correct type of tweening
- correct order of layers (in some cases, the layer order does not matter)
- efficiency: no unnecessary symbols, shapes, and layers
- give a name to each layer to indicate what that layer is about
File #1: lab02-spinning-coin.fla
What you are going to learn in this exercise:
- create consecutive motion tween
- duplicate keyframes by copying and pasting frames
1. | Create a circle as a graphic symbol, called it coin.
Something you need to think about: Why graphic symbol? What are the disadvantages if you use just shape? Why is movieclip not necessary in this situation? Move the circle so that the registration point is at its center. (IMPORTANT: Do this before making the animation.) Note: You can also create some other symmetrical object such as a star; it does not have to be a circle.
Examples of completed file. |
2. | On the main timeline, create a tweening using the coin symbol. The property to tween is its width. Hint: Use the Transform tool to scale its width. See the suggested keyframing. Hint: To improve the illusion of spinning, set the first motion tween segment to ease in, and the second motion tween segment to ease out. The Ease setting is in the Property Inspector. Ask if you can't find it. |
Extra Credit: up to 2 points lab02-extra-credit.fla
Only one of tne followings.
Doing both will still be up to 2 points of extra credit because both deal with the same challenges.
(See hints)
2 sides different, symmetrical shape.
You can design your own coin graphic. |
irregular and unsymmetrical shape.
You can design the item. |