Lab11a Write 2 Short Programs
Thing to turn in:
- 2 Flash files (upload to Blackboard)
Due: Files are due Friday at 2:00pm
How the completed files work:
Program #3: Use of Timer: Tortoise and Hare Race
A tortoise moves at smaller steps but more frequently while the hare moves at larger steps but less frequently.
If you set the values for step size and frequency right, then the winners of the race run at multiple times do not show significant bias to either tortoise or hare.
Of course, you may want to stick with the classic tale ending by setting the values in your program to bias the tortoise as the winner.
Or, if you want to break the classic tale ending to give a twist or surprise, you may want to set the values to bias the hare as the winner.
Program #4: Snapping to a grid