Thing to turn in:
- 3 Flash files (upload to Blackboard)
- extra credits: one separate file for each extra credit
Due: Files are due the same day at 5:30 PM
How the completed files work:
Program #1: Color
Everytime you click on one of the three color chips, more of that color will be added to the hair. Clicking on the gray chip to reset (or revert the color to the original).
NOTE: For best and most perceptible results, make all your hair graphics in dark gray (or black). Do NOT make your hair graphics start with intense colors.
Program #2: Glow Filter
Rolling the mouse cursor over a movieclip instance (such as the firefly here) makes it glow. Moving the mouse cursor off turns off the glow.
Program #3: Blur Filter
Rolling the mouse cursor over a blurry movieclip instance makes it sharp. Moving the mouse cursor off makes it blur again.
Extra Credit #1: Eye exam simulation (Up to 5 points)
Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to focus. NOTE: In order to get this extra credit, either key has to be able to go past the sharpness (not stopping at the sharpest point).
Hint: You will need to declare a variable.
Extra Credit #2: Camera focus simulator (Up to 7 points)
Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to focus. Similar to the Extra Credit #1, but you have two movieclip instances now.
NOTE: To get the extra credit, the following two requirements must be satisfied.
- either key has to be able to go past the sharpness (not stopping at the sharpest point)
- use only ONE filter object (NOT two filters)