Mini-projects #2 Fun with Events
Extra credits: Up to 3% towards the final grade
Learning objectives: To practice writing code for all different events and changing the movieclip instance properties. The event include MOUSE_UP, MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_MOVE, MOUSE_OVER, MOUSE_OUT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, ENTER_FRAME. The movieclip properties include x, y, scaleX, scaleY, width, height, rotation, alpha, visible.
- Up to 1.5%: Correct usage of the events and properties listed in the learning objectives.
- Up to 1.5%: Interaction design and fun factors. Interaction design means, for examples:
- the changes of properties of movieclip instance on stage can be easily correlated to the user's mouse or key input by the user
- you include certain actions to let the user revert the movieclip instance properties to the original (for instance, if you include an action to make the movieclip instance grow bigger and bigger, you should have another action to let the user shrink the movieclip instance and/or have an action to instantly revert the moveiclip back to the original size.)