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The Rhetorical Aristotle:
Selected Sources

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Allard-Nelson, Susan K. "Virtue in Aristotle's Rhetoric: A Metaphysical and Ethical Capacity." Philosophy & Rhetoric 34 (2001): 245-259.
Anderson, Floyd Douglas. "Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean and its Relationship to Rhetoric." Southern Speech Journal 34 (1968): 100-107.
Backes, James G. "Aristotle's Theory of Stasis in Forensic and Deliberative Speech in the Rhetoric." Central States Speech Journal 12 (1960): 6-8.

Baumlin, James S., ed.

Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory. Dallas: Southern Methodist UP, 1994.

Benoit, W. L.

"Aristotle's Example: The Rhetorical Induction." Quarterly Journal of Speech 66 (1980): 182–192.

"On Aristotle's Example." Philosophy & Rhetoric 20 (1987): 261-267.

Bird, O.

"The Tradition of Logical Topics: Aristotle to Ockham." Journal of the History of Ideas 23 (1962): 307–323.

Bitzer, Lloyd.

"Aristotle's Enthymeme Revisited." Quarterly Journal of Speech 45 (1959): 399–408.

Blettner, Elizabeth

"One Made Many and Many Made One: The Role of Asyndeton in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Philosophy & Rhetoric 16 (1983): 49–54.

Braet, A. C. "Aristotle's Almost Unnoticed Contribution to the Doctrine of Stasis." Mnemosyne 52 (1999): 408-435.
Brake, Robert J. "Aristotle on Pleasure." Southern Speech Journal 36 (1971): 324-332.
---. "A Reconsideration of Aristotle's Concept of Topics." Central States Speech Journal 16 (1965): 106-112.
Brandes, Paul D. "Evidence in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Speech Monographs 28 (1961): 21-28.
---. "Special Reports: The Composition and Preservation of Aristotle's Rhetoric." Speech Monographs 35 (1968): 482-491.
Brockriede, Wayne E. "Toward a Contemporary Aristotelian Theory of Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech 52 (1966): 33-40.
Clayton, Edward W. "The Audience for Aristotle's Rhetoric." Rhetorica 22 (2004): 183-203.

Conley, Thomas M.

"The Enthymeme in Perspective." Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 168–187.

---. "The Greekless Reader and Aritotle's Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech 65 (1979): 74-79.


"'Logical Hypomorphism' and Aristotle's Koinoi Topoi." Central States Speech Journal 29 (1978): 92–97.

Consigny, Scott.

"Dialectical, Rhetorical, and Aristotelian Rhetoric." Philosophy & Rhetoric 22 (1989): 281–287.

Cooper, Lane. "The Rhetoric of Aristotle." Quarterly Journal of Speech 21 (1935): 10-19.

Davis, Janet B.

"Translating Gorgias in (Aristotle) 980a10." Philosophy & Rhetoric 30 (1997): 32– .

Dearin, Ray D. "Aristotle on Psychology and Rhetoric." Central States Speech Journal 17 (1966): 277-282.
Erickson, Keith V. "The Lost Rhetorics of Aristotle." Communication Monographs 43 (1976): 229-237.
Erlich, Howard S. "The Congruence of Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics." Southern Speech Communication Journal 38 (1973): 362-370.

Evans, J. D. G.

Aristotle's Concept of Dialectic. London: Cambridge UP, 1977.

Farrell, Thomas B.

"Philosophy against Rhetoric in Aristotle." Philosophy & Rhetoric 28 (1995): 181– .


"Practicing the Arts of Rhetoric: Tradition and Invention." Philosophy & Rhetoric 24 (1991): 183–212.


"Rhetoric and Dialectic as Modes of Inquiry." Norms of Rhetorical Culture. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993. 14–50.


"Rhetorical Resemblance: Paradoxes of a Practical Art."Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (1986): 1–19.

Flemming, Edwin G. "A Comparison of Cicero and Aristotle on Style." Quarterly Journal of Speech Education 4 (1918): 53-60.
Flynn, Lawrence J. "Aristotle: Art and Faculty of Rhetoric." Southern Speech Journal 21 (1956): 244-254.

Fortenbaugh, William.

Aristotle on Emotion. London: Duckworth, 1975.

---. "Aristotle's Accounts of Persuasion through Character." Theory, Text, Context: Issues in Greek Rhetoric and Oratory. Ed. Christopher Lyle Johnstone. Albany : State U of New York P, 1996. 147-168.

Furley, David J., and Alexander Nehamas, eds.

Aristotle's Rhetoric: Philosophical Essays. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1994.

Gabin, Rosalind. "Aristotle and the New Rhetoric: Grimaldi and Valesio--A Review Essay." Philosophy & Rhetoric 20 (1987): 171-182.

Gaines, Robert.

"Aristotle's Rhetorical Rhetoric?" Philosophy & Rhetoric 19 (1986): 194–200.

Garver, Eugene.

Aristotle's Rhetoric: An Art of Character. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1994.

---. "Aristotle's Rhetoric as a Work of Philosophy." Philosophy & Rhetoric 19 (1986): 1-22.
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Giuliani, Alessandro. "The Aristotelian Theory of the Dialectical Definition." Philosophy & Rhetoric 5 (1972): 129-142.
Goulding, Daniel J. "Aristotle's Concept of the Enthymeme." Journal of the American Forensic Association 2 (1965): 104-108.

Green, Lawrence D.

"Aristotelian Rhetoric, Dialectic, and the Traditions of antistrophos." Rhetorica 8 (1990): 5–27.

Grimaldi, William M. A.

Aristotle, Rhetoric I: A Commentary. New York: Fordham UP, 1980

---. "Rhetoric and Truth: A Note on Aristotle, Rhetoric 1355a 21-24." Philosophy & Rhetoric 11 (1978): 173-177.


Studies in the Philosophy of Aristotle's Rhetoric. Hermes Einzelschriften 25. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1972.

Gross, Alan G. "The Conceptual Unity of Aristotle's Rhetoric." Philosophy & Rhetoric 34 (2001): 275-291.
Harper, Nancy. "An Analytical Description of Aristotle's Enthymeme." Central States Speech Journal 24 (1973): 304-309.
Harpine, Bill. "Stock Issues in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Journal of the American Forensic Association 14 (1977): 73-81.
Haskins, Ekaterina. "Endoxa, Epistemological Optimism, and Aristotle's Rhetorical Project." Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (2004): 1-19.
---. Logos and Power in Isocrates and Aristotle. Greenville: U of South Carolina P, 2004.

Hauser, Gerard A.

"Aristotle's Example Revisited."Philosophy & Rhetoric 18 (1985): 171–180.


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"Reply to Benoit." Philosophy & Rhetoric 20 (1987): 268-273.
Hillbruner, Anthony. "Matter and Form in The Search for "Truth": Aristotle and Rousseau." Western Speech Communication 39 (1975): 260-270.

Holmberg, Carl B.

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Huseman, Richard C. "Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean: Implications for Rhetorical Style." Western Speech 34 (1970): 115-121.


"Aristotle's System of Topics." Southern Speech Journal 30 (1965): 243–252.

Jacob, Bernard.

"What if Aristotle Took Sophists Seriously?: New Reading in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Rhetoric Review 14 (1996): 237– .

Kauffman, Charles.

"Poetic as Argument."Quarterly Journal of Speech 67 (1981): 407–415.

Kennedy, George A. "Reworking Aristotle's Rhetoric." Theory, Text, Context: Issues in Greek Rhetoric and Oratory. Ed. Christopher Lyle Johnstone. Albany : State U of New York P, 1996. 169-184.
Kinneavy, James. "Kairos in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Written Communication 11 (1994): 131-142.
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Lanigan, Richard L.

"Enthymeme: The Rhetorical Species of Aristotle's Syllogism." Southern Communication Journal 39 (1974): 207–222.

Levin, Samuel R.

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Lord, C.

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McAdon, Brad. "Probabilities, Signs, Necessary Signs, Idia, and Topoi: The Confusing Discussion of Materials for Enthymemes in the Rhetoric." Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (2003): 223-247.
---. "Reconsidering the Intention or Purpose of Aristotle's Rhetoric." Rhetoric Review 23 (2004): 216-234.
---. "Rhetoric is a Counterpart of Dialectic." Philosophy & Rhetoric 34 (2001): 113-150.

Mezo, Richard E.

"An Adaptation of Aristotle: A Note on the Types of Oratory." Rhetoric Review 16 (1997): 164– .

Miller, Arthur B. "Aristotle on Habit and Character: Implications for the Rhetoric." Speech Monographs 41 (1974): 309-316.

Mirhady, David C.

"A Note on Aristotle Rhetoric 1.3 1358b5–6." Philosophy & Rhetoric 28 (1995): 405–409.

Modrak, Deborah K. Aristotle's Theory of Language and Meaning. New York: Cambridge UP, 2001.
Molette, Carlton. "Aristotle's Union of Rhetoric and Dramatic Theory." Southern Speech Journal 34 (1968): 47-54.
Newman, Sara. "Aristotle's Notion of 'Bringing-Before-the-Eyes': Its Contributions to Aristotelian and Contemporary Conceptualizations of Metaphor, Style, and Audience." Rhetorica 20 (2002): 1-22.

Nussbaum, Martha.

The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Ochs, Donovan. "Aristotle's Concept of Formal Topics." Speech Monographs 36 (1969): 419-425.

Olian, J. Robert.

"The Intended Use of Aristotle's Rhetoric." Communication Monographs 54 (1968): 137–148.

Oravec, Christine. "'Observation' in Aristotle's Theory of Epideictic." Philosophy & Rhetoric 9 (1976): 162-174.
Pomeroy, Ralph. "Aristotle and Cicero: Rhetorical Style." Western Speech 25 (1961): 25-32.
Poulakos, John. "Extending and Correcting the Rhetorical Tradition: Aristotle's Perception of the Sophists. Ed. Christopher Lyle Johnstone. Theory, Text, Context: Issues in Greek Rhetoric and Oratory. Albany : State U of New York P, 1996. 45-63.
Price, Robert. "Some Antistrophes to the Rhetoric." Philosophy & Rhetoric 1 (1968): 145-164.
Quandahl, Ellen. "Aristotle's 'Rhetoric': Reinterpreting Invention." Rhetoric Review 4 (1986): 128-137.

Quimby, Rollin W.

"The Growth of Plato's Perception of Rhetoric." Philosophy & Rhetoric 7 (1964): 71–79.

Renehan, R.

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Roberts, Rhys.

"References to Plato in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Classical Philology 29 (1924): 342–346.

Rorty, Amelie Oksenberg, ed.

Essays on Aristotle's Rhetoric. Berkeley: U of California P, 1996.

Rosenfield, Lawrence W. "Rhetorical Criticism and an Aristotelian Notion of Process." Speech Monographs 33 (1966): 1-16.

Ryan, Eugene.

"Aristotle and the Tradition of Rhetorical Argumentation." Argumentation 6 (1992): 291–296.

Self, Lois. "Rhetoric and Phronesis: The Aristotelian Ideal." Philosophy & Rhetoric 12 (1979): 130-145.
Smith, Craig R. "Ethos Dwells Pervasively: A Hermeneutic Reading of Aristotle on Credibility." The Ethos of Rhetoric. Ed. Michael J. Hyde. Greenville: U of South Carolina P, 2004. 1-19.
Sokolowski, Robert. "Scientific and Hermeneutic Questions in Aristotle." Philosophy & Rhetoric 4 (1971): 242-261.
Steele, Edward D. "The Role of the Concept of Choice in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Western Speech 27 (1963): 77-83.
Swain, Louis Hall. "Aristotle on Cross-Examination." Southern Speech Bulletin 3 (1938): 24-25.
Thompson, Wayne N. "Stasis in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 134-141.
Thonssen, Lester W. "A Functional Interpretation of Aristotle's Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech 16 (1930): 297-310.

Wallace, Karl R.

"Topoi and the Problem of Invention."Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 3897–395.

Warnick, Barbara.

"Judgment, Probability, and Aristotle's Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech 75 (1989):

White, Stephen A., and Pamela Gottlieb.

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Wedin, Michael B.

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Wisse, Jacob.

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Zulick, Margaret D.

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