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of the Paper
to The Rhetorical Critical Essay
To write the rhetorical critical essay, you should:
$Read the document carefully, making note of elements of argumentation, arrangement and language as you go
@Invent a preliminary thesis based on the arguments and rhetorical strategies you find in your speech or document
&Research your topic, including such areas as the speech situation, purposes of the speaker, any established theory or concept you will use as an analytical tool, as necessary to explain your thesis
"Revise your preliminary thesis if necessary and outline your paper
vMost successful papers will take the form of 1) an introduction including a thesis statement and synopsis, 2) a brief account of the speech situation or context, 4) an extended analysis of the arguments in the speech relevant to the thesis, and 5) a conclusion that briefly summarizes what you have already said. Your citations and bibliography should follow a standard form for research papers such as the MLA Guide.v
MErrors of style, substance and arrangement
M Citation Errors