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U. S. Constitution | Federalist Paper #9 | Henry, Against the Federal Constitution

Federalists and Anti-federalists: Selected
Sources in Rhetoric

Browne, Stephen H. "The Political Uses of Pastoral: Rhetorical Dynamics in John Dickinson's First Letter from a Farmer in Pennsylvania." Quarterly Journal of Speech 76 (1990): 46-57.
diGiacomantonio, William C. "For the Gratification of a Volunteering Society": Antislavery and Pressure Group Politics in the First Federal Congress." Journal of the Early Republic 15 (1995): 169-197.
Einhorn, Lois J. "Basic Assumptions in the Virginia Ratification Debates: Patrick Henry vs. James Madison on the Nature of Man and Reason." Southern Speech Communication Journal 46 (1981):
---. "A Twist of Principles: Presumption and Burden of Proof in the Virginia Ratification Debates on the Federal Constitution." Southern Communication Journal 55 (1990): 144-161.
Ellis, Joseph J. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. New York: Vintage, 2000.
Erler, Edward J. "James Madison and the Framing of the Bill of Rights: Reality and Rhetoric in the New Constitutionalism. Political Communication 9 (1992): 213-229.

Furtwangler, Albert

The Authority of Publius: A Reading of the Federalist Papers. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1984.

Halstuk, Martin E. "Policy of Secrecy--Pattern of Deception: What Federalist Leaders Thought about a Public Right To Know, 1794-98. Communication Law and Policy 51 (2002): 51-76.

Hample, Judith.

"The Textual and Cultural Authenticity of Patrick Henry's 'Liberty or Death' Speech." Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 298–310.

Jasinski, James. "A Constitutive Framework for Rhetorical Historiography: Toward an Understanding of the Discursive (Re)Constitution of "Constitution" in The Federalist Papers." Doing Rhetorical History: Concepts and Cases. Ed. Kathleen J. Turner. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1998. 72-92.


"The Feminization of Liberty, Domesticated Virtue, and the Reconstitution of Power and Authority in Early American Political Discourse." Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 146–164.

---. "Heteroglossia, Polyphony, and The Federalist Papers." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 27 (1997): 23-46.


"Rhetoric and Judgment in the Constitutional Ratification Debate of 1787–1788: An Exploration of the Relationship between Theory and Critical Practice." Quarterly Journal of Speech 78 (1992): 197–218.

Manolescu, Beth Innocenti

"Style and Spectator Judgment in Fisher Ames's Jay Treaty Speech." Quarterly Journal of Speech 84 (1998): 62–79.

McCants, David A. "The Authenticity of James Maury's Account of Patrick Henry's Speech in the Parson's Cause." Southern Speech Communication Journal 42 (1976):


Patrick Henry, the Orator. Great Orators 8. New York: Greenwood P, 1990.

---. "The Role of Patrick Henry in the Stamp Act Debate." Southern Speech Communication Journal 46 (1980): 205-227.
Morgan, Kenneth. "George Washington and the Problem of Slavery." Journal of American Studies 34 (2000): 279-280.
Morrow, Terence S. "Representation and Political Deliberation in the Massachusetts Constitutional Ratification Debate." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 3 (2000): 529-553.
Remer, Gary. "Two Models of Deliberation: Oratory and Conversation in Ratifying the Constitution." Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (2000): 69-90.
Richards, Gale R. "Alexander Hamilton's Influence on John Marshall's Judiciary Speech in the 1788 Virginia Federal Ratifying Convention." Quarterly Journal of Speech 44 (1958): 31-39).

Smith, Craig R., and Scott Lybarger.

The Ratification of the Bill of Rights, 1789–91. Long Beach: Center for First Amendment Studies, 1991.

Wills, Garry. Inventing America: Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. New York: Vintage P, 1979.

Zarefsky, David, and Victoria J. Gallagher

"From 'Conflict' to 'Constitutional Question:' Transformations in Early American Public Discourse." Quarterly Journal of Speech 76 (1990): 247–261.