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Second Wave of Feminism:
Sources in Rhetoric

Rhetorical Criticism
Anderson, Karrin Vasby. "From Spouses to Candidates: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Elizabeth Dole, and the Gendered Office of U.S. President." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 105-132.
Arthos, John. "'My Voice is Bound to the Mass of My Own Life': Private and Public Boundaries in Feminist Rhetoric." Southern Communication Journal 63 (1998): 113-130.
Beasley, Vanessa B. "Engendering Democratic Change: How Three U.S. Presidents Discussed Female Suffrage." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 79-103.
Berry, Elizabeth. "Emma Goldman: A Study in Female Agitation." Women's Studies in Communication 4 (1981): 32-46.

Bineham, Jeffrey L.

"Theological Hegemony and Oppositional Interpretive Codes: The Case of Evangelical Christian Feminism." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 515–529.

Blair, Diane M. "No Ordinary Time: Eleanor Roosevelt's Address to the 1940 Democratic National Convention." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 4 (2001): 203-222.

Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs.

"Femininity and Feminism: To Be or Not to Be a Woman." Communication Quarterly 31 (1983): 101–108.


"The Rhetoric of Women's Liberation: An Oxymoron." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 74–86.

Danner, Lauren, and Susan Walsh. "'Radical' Feminists and 'Bickering' Women: Backlash in U. S. Media Coverage of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 16 (1999): 63-84.
Deem, Melissa. "Scandal, Heteronormative Culture, and the Disciplining of Feminism." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 16 (1999): 86-93.
Fabj, Valeria. "Motherhood as Political Voice: The Rhetoric of the Mothers of Plaza De Mayo." Communication Studies 44 (1993): 1-18.

Foss, Sonja K.

"Feminism Confronts Catholicism: A Study of the Use of Perspective by Incongruity." Women's Studies in Communication 3 (1979): 7–15.

Hancock, Brenda Robinson.

"Affirmation by Negation in the Women’s Liberation Movement." Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 264–271.

Hogeland, Lisa Maria. "Feminism, Sex Scandals, and Historical Lessons." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 16 (1999): 94-99.

Hope, Diana Schaich.

"Redefinition of Self: A Comparison of the Rhetoric of the Women’s Liberation and Black Liberation Movements." Communication Quarterly 23 (1975): 17–25.

Jablonski, Carol J.

"Promoting Radical Change in the Roman Catholic Church: Rhetorical Requirements, Problems and Strategies of the American Bishops." Central States Speech Journal 31 (1988): 282–289.


"Rhetoric, Paradox, and the Movement for Women’s Ordination in the Roman Catholic Church." Quarterly Journal of Speech 74 (1988): 164–183.

Jensen, Richard J., and John C. Hammerback.

"Feminists of Faith: Sonia Johnson and the Mormons for ERA." Central States Speech Journal 36 (1985): 123–137.

Kroll, Becky Swanson.

"From Small Group to Public View: Mainstreaming the Women’s Movement." Communication Quarterly 31 (1983): 139–147.

Kruse, Noreen Wales.

"The Myth of the Demonic in Anti-ERA Rhetoric." Women's Studies in Communication 6 (1983): 85–95.

Kurs, Katherine, and Robert S. Cathcart.

"The Feminist Movement: Lesbian-Feminism as Confrontation." Women's Studies in Communication 6 (1983): 12–23.

Linkugel, Wil A.

"The Rhetoric of American Feminism: A Social Movement Course." Communication Education 23 (1974): 121–130.

Perkins, Sally J. "The Rhetoric of Androgyny as Revealed in The Feminine Mystique." Communication Studies 40 (1989): 69-80.
Ratcliffe, Krista. Anglo-American Feminist Challenges to the Rhetorical Traditions: Virginia Woolf, Mary Daly, Adrienne Rich. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1996.

Madison, D. Soyini.

"'That Was My Occupation': Oral Narrative, Performance, and Black Feminist Thought." Text and Performance Quarterly 13 (1993): 213–232.

McPherson, Louise.

"Communication Techniques of the Women's Liberation Front." Communication Quarterly 21 (1973): 33–38.

Olson, Lester C. "Liabilities of Language: Audre Lord Reclaiming Difference." Quarterly Journal of Speech 84 (1998): 448-470.
Palczewski, Catherine Helen. "Bodies, Borders and Letters: Gloria Anzaldúa's 'Speaking in Tongues: A Letter to 3rd World Women Writers'." Southern Communication Journal 62 (1996): 1-16.
Parry-Giles, Shawn. "Image-Based Politics, Feminism and the Consequences of their Convergence." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 15 (1998): 460-468.
Pearce, Kimber Charles. "The Radical Feminist Manifesto as Generic Appropriation: Gender, Genre, and Second Wave Resistance." Southern Communication Journal 64 (1999): 307-315.
Perkins, Sally J. "The Singular Life of Albert Nobbs: Subversive Rhetoric and Feminist Ideology." Women's Studies in Communication 16 (1993): 34-54.
Reynolds, Beatrice K. "An Interview with Ti-Grace Atkinson: Her Speeches and Speechmaking." Today's Speech 21 (1973): 3-10.

Rosenwasser, Marie J.

"Rhetoric and the Progress of the Women's Liberation Movement." Communication Quarterly 20 (1972): 45–56.

Schuetz, Janice.

Secular and Sectarian Conflict: A Case Study of Mormons for ERA." Women's Studies in Communication 5 (1982): 41–55.

Sheppler, Sherry R., and Anne F. Mattina. "'The Revolt against War': Jane Addams' Challenge to the Patriarchy." Communication Quarterly 47 (1999): 151-165.

Solomon, Martha.

"Ideology as Rhetorical Constraint: The Anarchist Agitation of 'Red Emma' Goldman." Quarterly Journal of Speech 74 (1988): 184–200.


"The 'Positive Woman's' Journey: A Mythic Analysis of the Rhetoric of Stop ERA." Quarterly Journal of Speech 65 (1979): 262–274.


"Redemptive Rhetoric: The Continuity Motif in the Rhetoric of Right to Life." Communication Studies 31 (1980): 52–62.


"The Rhetoric of Stop ERA: Fatalistic Reaffirmation." Southern Communication Journal 44 (1978): 42–59.


"Stopping ERA: A Pyrrhic Victory." Communication Quarterly 31 (1983): 109–117.


"'The Total Woman': The Rhetoric of Completion." Communication Studies 32 (1981): 74–84.

Triece, Mary E. "Rhetoric and Social Change: Women's Struggles for Economic and Political Equality." Women's Studies in Communication 23 (2000): 238-260.

Turner, Kathleen J.

"Ego Defense and Media Access: Conflicting Rhetorical Needs of a Contemporary Social Movement." Communication Studies 31 (1980): 106–116.

Vanderford, Marsha L. "Her Feminism Doesn't Fit: A Response to Parry-Giles." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 15 (1998): 474-477.


"Vilification and Social Movements: A Case Study of Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech 75 (1989): 166–182.

White, Cindy L., and Catherine A. Dobris.

"A Chorus of Discordant Voices: Radical Feminist Confrontations with Patriarchal Religion." Southern Communication Journal 58 (1993): 239–246.

Recommended History and Biography
Cole, E. R., A. N. Zucker, , and J. M. Ostrove. "Political Participation and Feminist Consciousness Among Women Activists of the 1960s." Political Psychology 19 (1998): 349-357
Cott, Nancy F. The Grounding of Modern Feminism. New Haven: Yale UP, 1987.
Davis, Flora. Moving the Mountain: The Women's Movement in America since 1960. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.
Duberman, Martin B. Mother Earth: an Epic Drama of Emma Goldman's Life. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Evans, Sara M. Personal Politics : the Roots of Women's Liberation in the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left. New York: Vintage Books, 1980.
Falk, Candace. Love, Anarchy, and Emma Goldman. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1984.
Robnett, Belinda. How Long? How Long?: African-American Women in the Struggle for Civil Rights. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997
Wexler, Alice. Emma Goldman: an Intimate Life. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984.
Primary Texts
Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches From Around the World
Goldman, Emma. The Traffic in Women and Other Essays on Feminism. New York: Times Change Press, 1970.
Millett, Kate. Sexual Politics. New York: Doubleday, 1970.
Redstockings of the Women's Liberation Movement. Feminist Revolution. New York: Random House, 1975.